Not to put a downer on this thread, but this new practice . Of Museums cleaning out storage or having an attic sale is becoming more common.
Not to dissuade you from donating, anything thing to a museum. But any more you have to be very careful, as most have statements to the effect that you give all rights to the item up. And they have the right to sell the item, with out recourse form the family.
As more and more families are finding that the collections or items of older family members are not bringing the money, or even interest that they once did. Some museums are working with certain dealers for a quick turn around for operating expenses. At a fraction of what the item is worth.
Witness the large auction that the Henry Ford had on their steam engine and collectibles they sold most of the donations and extra's including some pieces that were on display since Henry built the place.
One of the statements was, that they don't need one of every steam tractor built, just one as an example of that type. As we move further away from when people had the experience of the items. Or know somebody that had the items.
The items that interest them are related to their lives, Another statement,from a local small museum curator was what is culturally relevant to the generations is changing.
The other thing is they have no where to store the items, and people what to buy the items, and we need the money. He said that they offer to return the item if the family doesn't want it sold.
So anybody thinking of donating should find out what the museums policy is and get it in writing, as some of the curators tend to move around quite a bit. you want the "MUSEUMS" policy in writing not the curators!
After all at the FORD museum the money makers have been the IMAX theater, Thomas the Tank engine, they are back again this year, and the traveling show on chocolate.
So with such a fine item, hopefully somebody in the family will treasure it, for years and generations to come.
I'm adding this to the post edit: As I was thumbing thru the local fish wrapper they call a newspaper. There is a story about a classic car auction, that is happening in the area.
Free Press said:
Classic car auction to aid Chrysler museum
It is next weekend,
Twenty of the 250 cars that will be auctioned off come from the Walter P Chrysler Museum Foundation which is selling these cars to raise money for the museum. 1904 Overland,1904 Rambler1918 Nash truck,1964 Rambler Coupe
Well don't now if Fiat raised the rent as the museum is in the head quarters building, I do know that GM sold a bunch of their concept and cars form their corporate collection last year.