Cluster Diamond Grinding Wheel Dresser

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Ken I

Project of the Month Winner!!!
Project of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2010
Reaction score
Cape Town, South Africa
I have been using a cluster diamond for dressing my bench grinder wheels. This was a nearly worn-out unit from a centreless grinder and has lasted years.
A friend asked if I could find him one - no luck - not at a reasonable price.
Then I came up with this idea using the clusters off a Ø5" diamond cup grinding wheel :-

Easy enough to desolder and resolder - silver solder (silver brazing in US) - onto a flat steel handle.
This disk was cheap and yields 8 clusters - I made one for myself and four for friends - 3 spares.

The overhang also allows dressing of the sides of the wheel - please don't tell me not to grind on the side of the wheel - everyone is told that rule and everyone ignores it occasionally - needs must when the Devil drives. But do be careful - light cuts only.

If you have never trued your bench grinding wheel (or used one of those spur wheeled dressing monstrosities) you will enjoy grinding on a wheel that goes Shhhhmooth as opposed to a whole bunch of rinky-dinky noises because the wheel is not true. A pleasure.

Regards, Ken I

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