Chased Back to Canada!!!

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Brian Rupnow

Design Engineer
Project of the Month Winner
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Last Sunday, goodwife and I set out on a vacation/expedition to the good old US of A. There isn't much left to see in Canada that I haven't seen already at least a dozen times, so we decided to travel down to the southernmost tip of Delaware, then cross into North Carolina for a looksee. I wanted to stop in Wilmington, Delaware and say Hi to "Aonemarine", a fellow poster on HMEM who is currently building a Webster. Wife did a bit of research on Pennsylvania and decided it would be nice if we crossed over at Niagara and drove west to Erie Penn., then drove across scenic route 6 going east, then drop down to Delaware from east end of route 6. First day, from Barrie to Erie was a lovely sunny day--perfect vacation weather. 460 kilometers--about 288 miles. Got up Monday morning to clouds and heavy rain. Rained all the way from Erie to Scranton. Lots of lovely little towns, but trust me--nothing looks scenic when skies are black and water falling so hard the windshield wipers won't keep up. Stayed in Scranton overnight, but weather forecast was looking very "iffy". We decided to push on to Wilmington, Delaware on Tuesday, so got up Tuesday and slogged thru moderate to heavy rain. Met up with Aonemarine, a very nice gentleman in Wilmington with far too many metalworking toys and had a nice visit with him. Stayed in Wilmington Tuesday night, and now weather forecast is calling for extremely heavy rains, hail, possible tornadoes---all in the path of our planned vacation. One thing about my little corner of Canada---We might get snow up to our armpits, but very seldom have to deal with tornadoes. Goodwife and I looked at each other and decided---Enough of this @!%*!!! Got up Wednesday and fled north to Syracuse. Stayed in Syracuse overnight, and drove home to Barrie today. My impression of Pennsylvania---"Damn, there's a lot of trees there!!"--My impression of Delaware and New York State---"Damn, there's a lot of trees there, and some BIG hills. Probably all very beautiful when the sun is shining. Drove 2275 kilometers---(that's 1422 miles for you non metric folks.)--Have decided that right now everything on the east side of USA is drowning, everything on the west side is on fire!!! My arse is sore. My back is sore. My bank balance is down about $1500!!! Will stay at home in Ontario for the rest of the summer and take day trips with goodwife and granddaughters.----Brian
I will say this, I am a Florida boy born and raised. Drove across the states to California and seen everything in between.
But Pennsylvania has some of the most beautiful areas I have ever seen. Go to New Hope, beautiful down there. But then again the weather was great, a lil cold for this Florida boy but still nice out during the day.
I work 15 miles from Wilmington that is driving miles more like 7 as the crow flies. And you did not ell me you were in the area????
Yeah, your correct Tin we could have all had lunch and talk machines:D Brian
Tin---If I had known, I would have tried to stop by and say hi. I didn't post on the internet that I was going to be away from home. I know of one person who innocently did this, and when he returned home after a 3 week vacation, his house was just an empty shell. Furniture, tools, second car, even the family pictures off the walls were gone.
Tin---If I had known,

Well Brian I do remember have a discussion of you visiting this area some time this summer. I did ask you to let me know when . I understand you not wanting to make vacation plans public . there are things like private messaging and e -mail.
Brian You are forgiven for your transgression . but I felt like I had to express myself and my disappointment.
Tin--I apologize. If we spoke, I had totally forgotten. Sometimes getting old sucks---especially in the memory department. However, getting old with a crappy memory still beats the alternative.----Brian
Like I said you are forgiven
Post 96 of the two newbies building ICs Thread.
Barrie to Wilmington. I love the old New England states. Maybe wife and I will come down your way this summer to check out your Webster.----Brian
Brian you make that trip let me know . I am not far from Wilmington I have several customers in that area. I just got my membership at the Hagley museum . a must see in Wilmington. If you are open to it we could do a museum tour and lunch as a group. there are several of us not far from Wilmington. blacksmith days June 7-8 and the big show the threshermens Reunion Aug 14-17.

And Brian while Delaware and New Jersey are included in the original 13 US colonies . Any newenglander including my wife will tell you Delaware is NOT in New England.
New England : An area on the northeastern coast of the US that consists of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.Sorry too disappoint you.

Hope I am not derailing this this thread. brian, aonemarine and anyone else near Wilmington DE feel free to PM me about the Idea.
Ad maiorem dei gloriam - Ad vitam paramus
amat victoria curam

and post 97

Tin Falcon--I might just take you up on that. Wife wants to shop in Pennsylvania for a day, and after a winter stuck in the house I need warm sunny weather and a road trip.---Brian

I am not mad Brian just a little disappointed. Seems like there is never enough time on a trip to see all the things and visit with all the people you want to. and when weather get rough it makes things harder. The corn fields have looked like rice paddys lately and some grain fields look very ripe. Have a good summer with the family .
Getting old(er) can be tough but like you said beats the alternative.
Hey!! There is no such thing as too many metal working tools!! However there is the too little shop space thing.....
Brian, It was nice meeting you and hopefully next time your down we can all have a little get together, BBQ, something... I can throw some hot dogs in the foundry while its warming up for an iron pour ;) that way we could eat and cast up some parts when were done.
Hey Brian,
If the east is experiencing Noah's floods and the west is on fire that leaves the Midwest, paradise. Enough rain to keep the dust down and in Wisconsin more trees and a few hills.
Of course there is also Minnesota. But then again, it's got a bunch more trees and hills. Hmmmm.

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