Don't blame the USPS or Ebay for shipping costs. Its a seller issue, I look at the shipping price, if its out of line DON"T Bid. Same goes for guys that don't answer questions, no answer no bid, theres always another one somewhere. The ebay sellers service folks are the worst, with poor descriptions, no questions answered, excessive charges, they will go out of business soon enough.
Ebay is changing, and it does not make we happy some of the directions that its going. In the last 7 years I've sold about $30K, and purchased 15-20K, most of the items in the shop were from ebay, 2 lathes, BridgePort, Shaper, Tool box, air compressor, dividing head, Rotab, 5 Lathe Chucks SS metal stock, printers, 3 VFD, etc.
You will miss out on good items, used, NOS, and even chinese stuff cheaper than the same seller offers in their catalog, (Shars/Discount Machine)
Just my experience, your mileage may vary