I have a friend in Barrie who recently retired. He has been a master machinist/toolmaker/instructor all of his life, and had heard that I was interested in model steam and i.c. engines. He called me about six months ago and I said "Come on over to my house. You might see something that catches your fancy." He immediately fell in love with my factory twin horizontal steam engine that I designed and built about seven years ago. I gave him a set of plans and off he went. Each month he has brought me over a box of finished parts for my approval and to ask questions. Today was the crowning glory of all this, and he showed up at my house with his finished engine. He has no compressor, and wanted me to set the timing and see if I could get it to run. The video tells the rest of the story. If anyone wants to buy a full set of the plans, I sell them for $25.00 Canadian.---Brian [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVNb1jx4gFE[/ame]