More information would be helpful, as has been stated above. Are you trying to put a motor on a compressor you have, or do you have a compressor you bought with a 220V motor that you want to run on 110V?
Without more information, If your motor is designed to run the compressor you have and has the ability to be set to run on either 220 or 110, you can change to 110 and it "should" work, but you will use twice as many amps, perhaps restricting what else you can do in your shop at the same time.
If the motor came with the compressor by design and can be wired to run on 110 and the compressor won't start, then there are other issues, including the ones Brian mentioned above. Be very careful, you can be hurt messing around with any pressurized system. More info .....!!!
If you are trying to put a motor on your compressor and you just looked for "3/4 HP," then you may not have a motor suitable for compressor duty or perhaps 3/4 HP is not enough to start and run your compressor. Once again, more information is needed.
Thank you for asking and please don't be put off by our responses, we will help you if we can but this hobby often leads to areas where slippery slopes lead to more than quick fixes and the chances for accidents and injuries.