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  1. mcostello

    Actual Funny Stuff / Lighter side

    I think They were in training in a couple of places I've worked.
  2. mcostello

    G0602 spindle problem

    The more You do, the more You learn.
  3. mcostello

    Movie Mechanics Spoiler Syndrome

    Good movie. Sometimes They do not leave facts stand in the way of fiction. Independence Day and American Battleship also good ones.
  4. mcostello

    First Bend w/ the New Bender

    Only ONCE??!!!
  5. mcostello

    Makings of a generator

    Worked at a place that had a 440 volt motor starter refuse to stay turned on. One of the Guys said He would fix that. He held the button in and it shot a grape fruit size fire ball out just missing His Head. Another Guy was poking around in a small electric box and We asked if everything was...
  6. mcostello

    Burt munro micrometer

    With a threaded end an internal distance could be taken then transferred to calipers.
  7. mcostello

    Comber Rotary Engine

    Can You blue all the contact surfaces up and give it a spin? Might find something unexpected.
  8. mcostello

    Ford model t engine plans

    Is it possible to add more vents?
  9. mcostello

    What does this issue look like to you?

    Unless it is the Wife's.
  10. mcostello


    Came from steel mill then glass factory. Used to mow a 1/2 acre with a push mower when it was 94° and not even sweat. Not that way now.
  11. mcostello

    High pressure pump

    Do 2 1/2 wrongs make a 1/2 right?
  12. mcostello

    Cat Sixty starting pockets wrong hand

    Don't use cheap bearings
  13. mcostello

    High pressure pump

    It is all Greek to Me.
  14. mcostello

    Machinability Charts (and a challenge)

    The one is a supposedly real thing used in small windows on armed helicopters.
  15. mcostello

    Brown and Sharp 2G screw machine ?

    One tip I was shown was when threading with a Geometric die threading head was , Do not be afraid to change the position of the chasers. Instead of 1-2-3-4, try 2-3-4-1 etc. We also changed the positions in the holders,Try a different holder with the 1-2-3-4. For one job We could not get to run...
  16. mcostello

    Brown and Sharp 2G screw machine ?

    I suppose it would be possible to have parts that quick. Just not by Me.;)
  17. mcostello

    Brown and Sharp 2G screw machine ?

    Set up time? I spent 5 years on a 2g and an 00g. I had set up time down to about 1 1/2 hours to the extreme displeasure of the boss. He wanted 45 minutes,I was slowly getting there but had a while to get there. A lot of times some of the previous could be saved and not tore down. We made a lot...
  18. mcostello

    New trav-a-dials

    They have usefulness as an easier install. 50" scale track is not exactly easy, especially when the lathe is against a wall and 2500 lbs.
  19. mcostello

    Abandoned Underground Steam Locomotive Repair Shops

    I had an Uncle that as a rail road electrician. He worked in a big building that was above ground. We went at night. The company thought They were splurging on light as They put a very dim bulb every 100 or 200 yards.
  20. mcostello

    EDM help

    Just remember to get the right kind of Alum, there are 4 different kinds being sold. I did not get a label on Mine and do not know which one it is. The wrong one I got before did nothing spending a week setting on top of a warm wood stove.