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    Wren Free Turbine Plans

    and another....
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    Wren Free Turbine Plans

    dont know if this will help, but just found this place.
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    Wren Free Turbine Plans

    Not seen the beer-cooler, but have seen several leaf blowers. Can't wait for the hair dryer. i think the problem with any build now is the turbine wheel. i haven't looked into building a turbine for a few years and where you can get the bits and bobs from. i think the bigger turbines are the...
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    Wren Free Turbine Plans

    Like your test stand, a bit better than my one. What's with the colour of the diffuser? Have you coated it with something? Will be a problem with building another 54. You can still get the compressor, NGV could be CNC from SS, but the turbine wheel is the problem. You could machine one out...
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    Wren Free Turbine Plans

    Kawka777 did you finish your Wren? mine has had a few mods since this tread started. its still sat on a shelf waiting for the plane to be finished :-(
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    Mach3 and PhysicsAnonymous Screen Menus

    when you go into the probing tab. there is a list of "things" left side of the screen. probe diameter is the 5th one down "stylus tip"
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    finished the spindle.... cad wise. wall thickness with a 45mm bore is 10mm. i had a look at my lathe with the D1-4 spindle and its wall at the tail and is 5mm. other thing that concerns me is the lay out of the head bearings. (not shown) the bearings are roller angular type. they should go in...
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    Have cad'ed up the nose with the drawing provided. drawn with the 46mm bore leaves 7.38mm wall thickness at the front of the tapper. the tapper is 11mm proud of the face,so the 7.38mm is for 11mm the gets to the main body of the spindle. i might get away with it??
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    it has pointed out something that may be a problem. I looked up the lathe that spindle comes from and it says it has a 35mm bore. if this is the case, going by that there doesn't look like there a lot of meat left to have a 46/47mm bore in my one. i did some cad the other night but not 100% was...
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    good find Mr Metric, but....... im in the UK and they dont ship to the uk. plus we tend to get hammered in shipping and import tax.
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    was there a screw and a spring? if there was. there should be a little bit of metal still in there. this has to be removed as it locates the cam in its unlocked position.
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    nealeb.... so i order them before you and you get them before me.....well how the hell does that work ;-). I started doing this lathe about 7 years ago, then things get in the way and i return back to it a lot later. think it was two years ago i did the tool changer for it. anyway... when i...
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    good idea, but all ready got the metal. as the spindle bore is 47mm ( 1.850) the OD on the shaft bit is about 70mm (2.755) so not much to come off.
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    found some cam locks in the UK :) gave Warco a bell... the parts are not listed on the website, but they do have them in stock. so you will have to phone/ email part No etc. then give your card details. the part 1330HA047 GH1330 CAM INDEX No 47 PART No 04231 @£13.81 + VAT
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    L98fiero, thats looks like the exact drawing the guy was using where i got the attachment from. thanks for finding it. been looking for months. Nealeb. yes you're right. on something like the cam locks would be better and easer to buy than to make. ill have a look for them, when/if i find...
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    this is the sort of thing i'm after, but for a D1-4
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    D1-4 cam lock spindle??

    the ever ongoing "lets build a cnc lathe...." getting round to making the main spindle. was going to machine one with a (lets say) 127mm (5inch) step on the nose, then 3 or 4 bolts to hold the chuck on. since i came up with that many many moons ago, i have got my self a bigger lathe at that...
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    New cnc Lathe build.

    using EN24 for the spindle was a bit over kill, think EN16 for the tool changer spindle would of been fine. got me self a bigger lathe, so dont have to borrow other peoples lathes. should come in handy when it come to machining up the main spindle. wont be making it from EN24 :)
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    New cnc Lathe build.

    already got the bearings for the spindle, have gone for the design you have suggested. two preloaded at the front and one at the back. just need to get my a** in gear and get on with building it. I'm now thinking about a granite bed and changing the spindle disign to a d1-4 camlock.
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    New cnc Lathe build.

    18 months later finally got round to doing the "how it's done" vid. I think i did say it was going to be a long build.....