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  1. J

    Modifying my Home Built Tool & Cutter Grinder

    golly jeeze I now have to start looking for a xy table. that grinder is a must for any shop worth working in. I really like it. I got to have one soon! john
  2. J

    points for a $30 ignition?

    i just received my $30 ign. from hobby king. no papers at all came with it. as i found out with a search here, a hall sensor and magnet is required is there any way to get it to fire with a set of points or a micro switch? if i had known it was not complete i could have ordered what ever it...
  3. J

    Sold-- Milling Attachment Package, Mini Lathe

    what I did was equivilent to using a large ball end mill to mill a 1/2 round in a 6" lenght of bar stock. so the breach would mate to a gas tube. it would take a bridgeport to do it with a ball end mill. john
  4. J

    Sold-- Milling Attachment Package, Mini Lathe

    don't be too quick to sell. I had mine well over a year then found I could do what I couldn't do with my little mill. I rigged it to sit cross wise on my lathe with the vise facing a 12" boring bar between centers and now can mill a 1 1/4 or bigger round groove in barstock. I have used it to...
  5. J

    What tools do I need for mill?

    and some way to run it, either wiring or 3 phase converter. you are going to have a real nice machine, wish I had one. john
  6. J

    Does this seem okay

    that looks to have every thing I wish my cumins should have. it is 40 lbs heavier too as I remember mine was 90. very nice looking machine for sure. john
  7. J

    R/F Interference

    I looked at the web site.....thats a high dollar designer light! I think if the manufacturer refuses to talk then the only recourse is the FCC. I don't think I would mess with beads or any other maybe fix...if they made it they can fix it or do a refund. john
  8. J

    Make real engines

    we can give thanks to lee iacoa for this sale. leading chrysler he moved to buy american motors for the jeep name and then promptly shut down kenosha. there are still hundreds of x employees there that don't love him for killing there jobs. john
  9. J

    Any Hunters Here?

    when my young great Pyrenees was around 10 months old I asked my vet if he thought the dog could handle a coyote, vet said yea one...but... coyotes don't fight fair, the come in packs. the dog is now around 8 years and 132 lbs and does not go out looking for a fight. I have never been able to...
  10. J

    Krazy Klockwork Mechanism

    once you put the rest of it together I wonder if a person could not add a pendulum and a few gears to it and make a real clock out of it all. If a real long pendulum was used you might be able to get a 5 second or more swing out of it. probably would not want it in your bedroom if you want to...
  11. J

    Krazy Klockwork Mechanism

    I love it. I just went on amazon and bought a used 507 book for less than $5. thanks john
  12. J

    Compressed Air Cannon

    I saw a small one demonstrated that would send a golf ball out of sight. it was about2 feet long and used the design above. it was power by 900 lbs of air. it was at the little rock air rifle show 3 or 4 years ago. all metal and was not very big in diameter. they filled it with a scuba tank. john
  13. J

    mini lathe

    I put a 5" from little machine shop. It is many times heavier than the 3" 4 jaw and 3 jaw chucks I have. my cumins came with the face plate. can also get a 6 inch on it but it would not take extending out the jaws much to hit the ways. john
  14. J

    anodizing two tone

    is it posible to anodize a second time for a 2 tone color scheme? I engraved my name on a new flashlight tonight. it is anodized aluminum. I was wondering after engraving through the anodizing it could be placed back in a tank and the bottom of the engraving be colored to contrast. the chemicals...
  15. J

    Magnetic Broom

    what I have is a large speaker magnet, a ring maybe 4 inches in dia with a hole in the center for a "leash" to drag it across the floor. I put a quart freezer bag on it and drag it. to clean the sharp swarf off just remove the bag and it drops in the garbage. john
  16. J

    shopping for lathe

    I have a brother who calls the chinese machines junk. had I listened to him I would still be with out any lathe or mill. with my budget I could never afforded any thing. remembering to, parts for those "quality" machines cost more than an arm and a leg. a new chinese is ready to parts...
  17. J

    Updated Compressed Air Radial

    real nice chuck, great sound too. john
  18. J

    successful 5th pulsejet

    That would go real good in my neighborhood just inside the woods about 3 in the am. for about 90 seconds at a time! then at 2 am the next night! then skip a week. !!!! john
  19. J

    Beware U.S. postal charges

    as long as these people continue to pay outrageous shipping and handling at ebay, the practice will continue. there are some positives to charging a listing fee, some auction sites do not charge till sold unlike ebay who charges per valvue up front. those with no charges sellers tend to over...
  20. J

    Two chuck keys better than one

    the keys for my 3" and 4" 4 jaw are the same drive size. I also watched tubal caims video, and it works like a charm. I cut my centering time to 1/3 or 1/4 the time it used to take. john