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    Philip Duclos Whazit

    Just got my version of The Whazit engine out of "The Shop Wisdom of Philip Duclose" running. His engine designs are the most robust I have built. Once they are running the require very little work to maintain. I added electronic ignition, used an o-ring for a piston ring, and used a set of...
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    Howell V4 Block holding fixture

    I am building a Howell v4 as my sunset project and dont actually plan on getting it finished but it was the only thing that I looked at that I want to build. I have built several engines including a Howell V twin and have designed a couple engines but I am self taught and still learning. For the...
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    Two cycle two cylinder with rotary disk valve

    Been working on a 2 cylinder version of the single cylinder two cycle that I finished sometime last year. I finally finished it and got it running to my satisfaction. It runs great and starts easy with the drill drive starter. As with everything I build it evolved along the way and runs far...
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    Grizzley G0885 band saw

    I just clamped it in the vise on end and used a square to make sure it was vertical. First cut lacked about a 1/2" of making it thru cause the blade housing hit the top of the piece. Turned it end for end eyeballed it into location and squared it again and finished the cut. Rotated the piece...
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    Grizzley G0885 band saw

    I just pulled a trick with my new Grizzley G0885 band saw and had to tell the world. I quite often do stupid stuff because I am too impatient to do it right but I got away with it this time. I needed a 7/8 thick piece of 1144SR 5 1/2" long cut from a piece of 2" round. It is a blank for a two...
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    2 Cycle Single with a disk rotary valve.

    Haven't looked at the thread for a while but thanks for the replies. I will print and read the info from steamchick since there is so little information for people starting from scatch. Starter is an electric drill with a starter hub attached to the flywheel and and a little driver chucked into...
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    2 Cycle Single with a disk rotary valve.

    What got me started on a two stroke was the fact that I had raced outboards in the 70's and ran a Konig with a disk rotary valve. At that time I could mechanic but not engineer so I did what I was told as far as tuning goes. Guess that is still true to some extent. This engine uses a shaped...
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    2 Cycle Single with a disk rotary valve.

    Ok, I need an expert in two cycle compression ratio calculating. My two cycle in this post runs great, starts easy, and has great throttle response. I am busy designing and building a two cylinder version of this engine. Here is the question. The compression ratio on my completed engine...
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    2 Cycle Single with a disk rotary valve.

    Just got my own design for a 2 cycle with a rotary disk intake running fairly well. It took a long time to get running since I honed the piston in without a ring and it took a while for it to loosen up enough to run. I was afraid that a ring would get caught on the exhaust port. Had quite a...
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    Twingle engine

    finally got around to starting to work on designing a twingle. I was googling to find out crank timing for the two pistons and came across a complete design. In an earlier post I mentioned plans for a class c tether boat engine which I was going to use for a basis for my work. I came across...
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    Fuel for Model Engines

    I have been building model engines for several years now and am always looking for a cheap readily available fuel. I have run camp stove fuel and straight methanol. Methanol is hard to find in small quantities and a 55 gal. drum might be excessive for my needs. Camp stove fuel was my go to...
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    Has anyone ever attempted to build a "split single engine" using the same principle as employed in a Daimler Puch 250cc SGS twin motorcycle engine?

    Did you ever find the plans for the split single. I have researched them quite a bit but have never found plans for one. I am in the process of designing a single 2 cycle just to better understand the functioning of the ports better but my goal has been to build a "twingle".
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    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    The whole purpose of the rotary valve is for the design challenge not huge power. Plus it will be easier to change intake timing. My design is a direct drive off the crank. This is my first design that hasn't partially copied someone else's concept, and a first step to a twingle. I like...
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    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    I have finished building an Owen Mate and have it running after making a new tighter fitting piston. I have moved on to designing a simple 2 cycle stationary (not airplane) engine with a rotary disk intake valve. I have it designed and have made a few pieces but am not sure of proper port timing...
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    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    OK, I've got the Owen Mate built and running after making a tighter fitting piston and have progressed on with designing a simple 2 cycle one cylinder with a rotary disk intake valve. I have things pretty well figured out but need confirmation on port timing. There is not a whole lot if info...
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    12L14 Uses

    My goal for an engine build is to make it run. After I have an engine built and running to my satisfaction it goes on the shelf and I start designing the next one. None of my engines are used for anything useful other than keeping me out of the bars. The thrill is in the build and debugging...
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    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    Do you have any suggestions for port timing since I a placing ports in the design right now? Any guidance would be appreciated since this is the first 2 cycle I have designed. Thanks for the help.
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    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    Checked the web site and the tests are all for Model airplane engines turning lots of RPM. I am looking for around 6000 RPM and easy starting. I guess power output is not the greatest concern. Still conservative with those considerations in mind?
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    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    OK here I am, I have build the Owen Mate and am waiting for a prop to try and test start it. The whole process was to get familiar with two stroke design so I could design one for myself. I don't think I will ever fly an airplane so I want to build a stationary low rpm 2 cycle model. I have...
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    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    Got my Owen Mate done. Waiting for a propeller to put on it and will build a test stand so I can try it out outside. Didn't realize at the start I was going to have to become an alchemist to mix fuel for it. Hope I don't gas myself or blow myself up. It was a fun build and not too tough. I...