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  1. Chiptosser

    Ball bearing center

    Remove the face sheald off the center and the cap off the rear of the shank. The bearings have to come out the front. There also could be a nut and a threaded portion in the end of the taper. You have to figure how yours is made. A new center with a longer center step is what you are looking for?
  2. Chiptosser

    New Member and What is this?

    Definitely a little Steam Engine. Very nice find.
  3. Chiptosser


    Which airport is it located?
  4. Chiptosser


    I wasn't aware of it. Hour and a half drive, I may have to show up.
  5. Chiptosser

    CNC options?

    I must be one of the few who use a full size machine for all of my hobby work. I have a Centroid Atrump knee mill with a Centroid control. You can switch between manual and cnc control. Also, you can do incremental movements to mill or drill and absolute movements. The programing is can be...
  6. Chiptosser

    Milling machine vise

    I have found many 4" and 5" vises listed on the bay. As mentioned before, your going to have plan on around 300 range to find a quality vise.
  7. Chiptosser

    New Today!

    Hi, Tony I would suggest to you to view Welding tips and tricks on ytube. Jody has a lot of setup information for different materials and situations, covering stick, tig, and some gas welding. 1942 J3F Good Luck. Dale
  8. Chiptosser

    my new toy

    This Shaper has the anti-back drag feature on it. Its called a clapper box.
  9. Chiptosser

    Aluminum bar stock for pistons

    Are you going to build a Nitro burning, high speed, sustained high temp over 200c engine??
  10. Chiptosser

    What is a Diesel Engine ?

    Check out the German made Lohmann Diesel bike engine. It has variable compression.
  11. Chiptosser

    Machining Valve Stems

    I was always amazed at what George would build. I would look for George each year at NAMES, to see what was new or in progress. Always amazing work. Very friendly and willing to run his engines for me. I felt very privileged to be able to talk to him and see the efforts of his skills, still...
  12. Chiptosser

    Painting aluminum castings problems and questions.

    Hopefully, you are sanding or ruff scuffing all of the surfaces that you want to paint. Alcohols are not always going to get all of the cutting oils out of the pores and pockets in aluminum castings. A soaking in Lacquer thinner or other strong solvents, then heating to dry is very helpful...
  13. Chiptosser

    Thread Dial

    You may be able to judge the thread pitch this way, on low count coarse threads. Also, you are measuring a Acme thread,15 degree angle with what looks like a Vee thread gauge The gauge should fit into the grooves and match the angle perfectly. If you try to gauge a 1.25, 1.50 pitch it is...
  14. Chiptosser

    Flathead hit and miss engine???

    Just get some tee bolts and save yourself some grief.
  15. Chiptosser

    Seized taper lock

    Use a torch and heat the pulley, concentrating the heat around the outside of the taper hub.
  16. Chiptosser

    Two Stroke Reed Valve Material

    The metal reed valves used in most engines before composites where made from spring steel. Shim stock tends to fatigue and break at the flex point.
  17. Chiptosser

    Flathead hit and miss engine???

    I'm a little late to this topic, Brian, have you looked at a Foos engine?
  18. Chiptosser

    Ericsson Hot Air Sterling cycle pumping engine

    I am curious about your burner set up. Do you have a pict?
  19. Chiptosser

    Selection of Steel to use

    If you have the chance to use A2 or D2 give it a chance, you'll like it. It machines much nicer than O1 or W1 has a higher chrome and nickel content. As mentioned previously way less chance of warpage, no water or oil quench. Does not rust as easily because of the chrome percentage. To me, it...