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  1. C

    South Bend 10K Lathe T-Slot Cross Slide

    Krypto, I have the MLA casting and a 10K lathe, but a small mill. What size mill do you have that you used to machine the casting? Thanks, Dan
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    Measuring length on a lathe

    If you don’t need to remove too much length, then set your top slide to 90 degrees ( i.e. parallel to the lathe axis). Now measure your piece’s length and determine how much to cut off. Touch off your tool, set zero on the top slide and move it the required cut off distance. Dan
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    Issues with Myers Castings

    Yes JB weld will be OK but if it's just a cosmetic area that won't get hot then car body filler (bondo) will be easier to rub down Thanks for that info. Dan
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    Issues with Myers Castings

    I saw this post many years ago, but I ordered a kit anyway. I received it about 6 weeks ago. Due to surgery and other issues, it has been sitting in the garage. (Murdock Vertical Oscillating Engine Casting Kit) I have never worked a casting kit so take what I say with a grain of salt...
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    8 inch "slow speed" (1725RPM) Grinder

    Thanks for the replies. Dan
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    8 inch "slow speed" (1725RPM) Grinder

    Hi, I need some advise about a new 8" grinder that I have. I will use this for (mostly) for grinding HHS lathe tools, and of course, for many other miscellaneous jobs. There are a ton of YouTube videos so I am "fairly ok" about normal grinding wheels, but I have not seen much on the "CBN"...
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    New to me South Bend 10k lathe

    Chuck, Thank you, I will look into it. Dan
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    New to me South Bend 10k lathe

    Thank you Ted, Dan
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    New to me South Bend 10k lathe

    Hi, I just purchased a South Bend 10k lathe. Got a nice one! No rebuild for me. I previously owned a Jet 9x20 and was on an appropriate Yahoo group. I am now looking for a South Bend chat group to join. I looked at Yahoo, but could not find one. I would rather join one on the web, not...
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    Help with making eccentric on a 4 jaw chuck

    XD351, Very good video. I also watched "mrpete222" (Tubalcain) on Youtube, video #160. I think that they both answered some of my questions. Probably my first problem was keeping the "non moving" jaws too tight, causing the brass bar to 'slightly jump' as opposed to just sliding into position...
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    Help with making eccentric on a 4 jaw chuck

    Thanks, I guess that just more practice in needed. Dan
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    Help with making eccentric on a 4 jaw chuck

    I forgot to mention, I am using a Jet 9x20 with a "no name" cheap Chinese 4 jaw chuck. Dan
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    Help with making eccentric on a 4 jaw chuck

    Hi, I just made an eccentric from a 3/4" brass rod, 5/8" size of the eccentric and the hole (1/2 the valve travel) offset .155" for an eccentric movement of .310" . I used the 4 jaw with the brass rod centered to within .001" with no problem. However, when I did the offset for the axle hole...