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  1. R

    Baker Monitor 1/3 scale Engine

    Many model hit and miss engines have a compression ratio lower than the original which allows tuning to run at a nice slower "scale" speed. I have a Baker Monitor and it is a 1/3 scale of the 4 hp original. It was built by Ellis Smith (a very good builder) and it does not have much compression...
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    O Ring for piston rings

    . Be sure to mix oil with your fuel. I like to use white gas or yard tool fuel. Never automotive fuel. I mix it 20 :1 with Marvel Mystery Oil. 25/1 is OK too. 50/1 may be too light. If it is a hit and miss engine not pulling a load, it will remain plenty cool. Another thought re extreme early...
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    Another Karl Benz 1886 Engine and Motor Wagon.

    Looking for a set of castings and drawings for the 1/3 scale Benz Engine if anyone in the USA would let go of them. Gil
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    Copyright !! Again.

    Hi Minh-Thanh, If you are to acquire a design from drawings and or pictures and you know whose work it is, you should acknowledge the creator of said design. It is a matter of common decency. You can produce and sell from pictures and/or plans that are readily available. It is just very poor...
  5. R

    A different engine configuration

    Hi Brian, Great project! The basic design is around 130 years old. Below is a video of an 1891 4 hp Van Duzen inverted walking beam engine along with a new re-design that a fellow in China is working on which is a horizontal version of similar design. Gil
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    Thomas & Smith Hot Air Pumping Engine

    Here's a fresh video. I documented some testing. Enjoy, Gil
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    Thomas & Smith Hot Air Pumping Engine

    Here's a video of my Fanning Hot Air Pumping Engine. It is made from the same set of castings as the Thomas & Smith model shown in this thread. Gil
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    6 Cabin Fever Expo 2020 Videos for Your Enjoyment!

    After many hours of editing, I have finally gotten 6 videos published. Enjoy, Gil Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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    Most efficient steam engine design?

    One of the most efficient designs ever was the steam-diesel for marine use. While very efficient compared to other existing power plants, it was a commercial failure given that it's operation required tending and maintaining by both a diesel engineer and a steam engineer. The limited number of...
  10. R

    Breisch Olds 1/2 scale engine drawings

    A little common sense goes a long way here. If the owner of the copyright for plans offers or intends to offer them for sale, and has not placed them in the public domain.... If you have a feeling you are about to violate someone's copyright, you are likely considering exactly that.
  11. R

    Does anyone recognise this as an engine?

    I was reading and about to post food chopper when I got to Ray's post (#15). These are still used (and collected) in Amish farm country. Not an engine but very nice find, Thad! Gil
  12. R

    Verical hit and miss engine

    Why not just add a collar with set screws on top of the green spring? Just leave enough room above it for height adjustments. Or if you know the spring is too strong, pull out the top or bottom winding enough to snip off 1/2 to 1 coil at a time. When it is right, just stop. Disadvantage to this...
  13. R

    Design and build side-shaft hit and miss engine from bar stock

    Hi Brian, I’m glad to see you are still having fun with this project. While I am not a machinist, I am quite good mechanically. I am very good at getting things to run and run smoothly and slowly. Forgive me if I offer any already stale advice as I have not had a good look at your thread until...
  14. R

    Metals choice for up scaling strength

    Just a quick note..... Scaling up the entire project by 2 times will not change the compression ratio. Best of luck with your build.
  15. R

    CORLISS cylinder machining

    You are correct. It was the Fleet Corliss until Fleet went under and Peter became successor to Fleet. It is the same engine under the Southworth badge. I have a Fleet Corliss built by John McDivitt (completed 1986). It makes for a very elegant model engine. Here is a video of it...