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  1. G

    My next build--A cross beam vacuum engine

    Not having built a vacuum engine I can not comment but having built some hot air engines using cast iron pistons running in steel bores and piston rods running in cast iron bushes one thing I have learned is that friction is a killer and getting a good seal on the power piston and displacer rod...
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    Trouble-shooting a new Stirling

    try a light oiling with very thin oil / crc . wd40 on any parts that open to atmosphere ie power piston . displaver guide . my stirling wont run without a bit of very thin oil on the power piston and displacer piston rod . all joints are spigot and socket and, i use teflon plumbers tape as a...
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    Hit and miss engine con rod construction

    Most Rods fail under tension and its on the exhaust stroke as there is no cushioning effect as per the compression stroke and that piston wants to just keep going straight ahead . The force generated by a piston hitting TDC at 1,000 RPM is 50 times its initial weight when the engine is not...
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    Cad and animation

    I concur with the comments about fusion 360 . its free and plenty of tutorials on You Tube Designing a two stroke similar to a ships diesel with crosshead piston etc and its facinating to be able to animate it and see all the bits working and where any conflics might be.
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    I'm Hoping To Build An Inline Six

    Ryobi Parts Diagram lots of usable parts
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    I'm Hoping To Build An Inline Six

    I would look at what is available of the shelf ie 4 stroke weed wacker pistons rods valves and even maybe cylinder heads etc 6x35cc = 210 cc should give you about 4 hp
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    Cleaning lapping compound

    Something I always did after honing bores is to boil the part in hot soapy water ( after Solvent wash ) , later we bought a purpose built parts washer that hot washed the cylinders ( Some 400 Kg ) This opens up the pores in the metal and release the grit from hones or laps Proof is wiping...
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    labyrinth seals

    labrynth piston compressors are common in gas process industry see below
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    More confusion over flame lickers

    Wicks I use the stuff that they sell as Exhaust header Pipe wrap its a glass fibre base but works well and a meter of it will last a life time
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    Head cold from Hell and maybe a Stirling engine

    Brian I think you have made a basic mistake with your design The Hot air engine works on the expansion and contraction of gas due to heating and cooling I Think You have the Cooling Fins on the wrong side of the Plate which has the port going to the power pistons. I use Berocca Viatmin Tubes...
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    Model Compressor---Maybe

    Brian I used to help build and sell CNG compressors 3-4 stage up to 750 hp 3600 psig discharge. I remember one company that spent millions of dollars developing a small 4 cylinder 4 stage compressor using scotch yoke system and ceramic valves for a home refueling . We ended up with a few...
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    Rupnow Ovehead Cam Air Cooled

    old cam timing pulleys from the car wreckers
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    Rupnow Ovehead Cam Air Cooled

    Some of those old galvanised fittings were wrought / malleable iron and very hard to weld with or without the galv
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    triumph 1/3 scale bonnie model maybe this might help
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    Quarter Scale Merlin V-12

    Hi Terry , coming up for the 4th anniversary of my CABGx3. Just bought a motorbike . never felt better, but I will admit that recovery took a while. Good luck and welcome to the Zipper Club .. Ralph
  16. G

    PatRoVa Rotary Valve engine

    One of the main reasons for the success of the 4 valve head is the combustion chamber shape and the central location of the spark plug. I have problems with your design as I cant see where you put the spark plug and how do you achieve good flame propagation
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    Broken frame ford transit

    I had an Old ford transit back in the late 70s with that horrible V4 engine and a mattress in the back and a sign on the back door that said If its Rocking Dont Bother Knocking . Many a time it was used to rescue brit bikes that had broke down.
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    Motocycle engine design

    You just have to watch this Home Built Engine in a Harley Hummer . Looks like a full size Hoglet Engine ( almost )
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    Old School Barstock 2 Stroke

    Brian Used to build Multistage Compressors with Bores up to 14 inch. All Cylinders after honing were boiled in soapy water ( special Bath ) This opens up the pores of the iron/steel and lets the honing grit out. Have always done it with old Brit Bikes etc with Cast Iron Liners etc and it...
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    Australia Day

    27 C across the ditch here in Auckland. Happy Australia Day .