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  1. B

    Spark plugs with 3/16 x 40 thread.

    Not sure why the 1/4 32 is in the pictures, it sure would be a bit large on that head, but would work. Looking at the 10-40 from the engine and comparing them to the ones you purchased looks like the new ones are about 3 or 4 threads longer. Not an issue as long as piston clears the plug. A...
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    Spark plugs with 3/16 x 40 thread.

    Bruno In post 12 and 14 you have a picture of an engine and it has a spark plug, I assume that is the plug you are looking for otherwise I do not understand the photo's. I would like to see the plug so as to determine the thread length you need, ie measure it. The 10-40 plugs come in short...
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    Spark plugs with 3/16 x 40 thread.

    Dave you have a plug in there could we see a picture of it out and the measurement of the thread length? Bob
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    Spark plugs with 3/16 x 40 thread.

    Hi not sure if they still have them but check out this site, I got several of them when I built my Gade, the different types are shown if you click on side menu: Bob
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    Cherry Hill has passed

    Saw this over in the live steam forum, she was 93.
  6. B

    Silver Solder Torch Selection

    Hi I am in complete agreement with Dan and Green Twin. Especially flux and cleaning. Planning your job is important, you need to think about how much heat you need and where. I use many different silver braze rods with different melt temps (Easy Flow and 56 two most used), also Harris Stay...
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    Shows keep getting smaller!

    I and my wife (almost all the time) have been attending / displaying at shows of all kinds since the late 1970’s. These shows include Threshing, Live Steam, Model Engine, County Fairs and small town events ie 4th of July. First and foremost we did all this because it was fun. We had...
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    Annealing gray iron castings

    ChazzC Not sure what I have to wait for, I have been having cast iron annealing done for me or by me for over 45 years, including several Amish foundries back in late '80s. I am very happy with my results. I and others of course are always willing to learn, as from JasonB in his post and...
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    Annealing gray iron castings

    ChazzC, Richard Getting on track to the thread title, you both seem to have a lot of experience. Could you share your personal experiences annealing gray cast iron? When building your models that have iron castings have you had luck with any of the processes above or another process or just...
  10. B

    Annealing gray iron castings

    Jason Thank you for the suggestion on continuing the slow ramp down to 240C. It is an easy modification, just a temp and time change on the step. I will track if for the entire cycle next time just to see how fast it drops. The furnace is not all that well insulated so I am sure it drops...
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    Annealing gray iron castings

    I have been annealing gray cast iron for many years. In the past I used a commercial place since castings were large ie 1 1/2 live steam locomotive castings. I am now building smaller stuff ie hit miss, steam engines, hot air etc. I had a small Paragon kiln 6 x 6 x 6 since the late '80s, and...
  12. B

    Breisch Associated Air Cooled Igniter Engine

    Hi I am building the Breisch Associated Air Cooled Igniter Engine. There was a fine model at the North East Ohio Model Show 2018 see photo. I would like to contact the person who built it. If the owner or someone who knows the builder could get me in contact I would appreciate it. Thank...
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    Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings

    Too make that base casting a little simpler you might want to make it look like the original. The original had no lip around it. When I made mine from the casting set I removed the lip and blasted it. Bob
  14. B

    What is your purpose in getting into the hobby of building model engines?

    How I got started was a lot like George B, plastic models, air planes on strings and model trains, etc as a kid. Then into woodworking in my early 20's, made furniture stuff and enjoyed the end result. Then it happened, in 1974, I was taken to a live steam club and saw those engines running on...
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    What is your purpose in getting into the hobby of building model engines?

    Lloyd-ss I agree with you completely, its been disappointing watching the combatants. I am waiting to see who actually gets the last word in whatever that is. You know they could have taken it off line with PM and spared us their child like behavior ie who is king of the sandbox. Me I just...
  16. B

    Does anyone else write out your machining steps ahead of time? ML Midge Cylinder Head

    When my granddaughters started learning machining they were 8 and 10. I told them we always make the large part first that way when we muck it up we can use it to make a smaller part. Even after 48 years of model building I still start with the large part first if it makes sense. As you...
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    Does anyone else write out your machining steps ahead of time? ML Midge Cylinder Head

    Here is what I used to make a part (4 of them) which is part of the valve assembly for a Bates & Edmonds 25HP model I have been working on. In addition to the arc sides, and a shaft hole it needed two tapped holes at 90 degree angle to secure it to the shaft, a 2-56 and a 0-80, see photo. The...
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    Sold Is Air Cooled Lil Brother more/less desirable than Water Cooled?

    Paul also sold both spark plug and Ignitor versions which gave 4 combinations. I picked up a partially completed ignitor air cooled, need to finish it .
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    Sold Stuart 10V Steam Engine Casting Kit

    I sent you a pm I will take it Bob
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    Pete Menger Model Engine & Hobby Show, Monroeville, IN - October 14, 2023

    Gen had the same issue with the Hampton, I sent a note off to Aaron on this and got a response Thursday that he would contact the person in charge of the hotel stuff to get it resolved. At least the Hampton person said she would give Gen the new rate when she was made aware of it. Bob