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  1. misfitsailor

    Added DRO and power feed to 8x30 mill

    I just finished adding a 3 axis DRO and an X axis power feed to my 42 year old Jet 8x30 milling machine (Made in Taiwan). I really should have done this years ago! I mounted the X axis scale on the front using the T slot, then added an alloy T track to the backside of the table for the limit...
  2. misfitsailor

    New shop finished

    Here is a video slideshow of the building of my new shop during the last year. It is compact, but just fine for the construction of miniature engines!
  3. misfitsailor

    Selecting a larger radius insert

    I would like to buy carbide turning inserts with a larger radius. This particular holder fits a TCMT 21.50 insert. What nomenclature would designate a cutter with more rounded tips? I normally just order more of whatever size inserts came with a tool holder.
  4. misfitsailor

    Worlds "cutest" micrometer?

    This is a half inch micrometer marked "Hale" and "made in USA". It has large, flat anvils. It's made of steel and is nickle plated. It once belonged to my machining mentor. I bought his machine tools from his estate after he passed on.
  5. misfitsailor

    Yet another self-made hand tapper

    Having seen the success other have had using a Briggs & Stratton connecting rod to make a hand tapping machine, I did the same. The small end of the rod reams to a nice 1/2" size. The cast iron base had been lying around for years, and most of the the other materials were already on hand. The...
  6. misfitsailor

    Oilfield Pumpjack scratch build complete!

    I made my own plans, choosing details I liked from various pumpjacks. The equalizer is my of own design. It took a couple of months from start to finish. I look forward to displaying it at the shows I attend. The gearbox gives 30-1 reduction, which is fine for model steam engines or hit &...
  7. misfitsailor

    Need advice on removing 8x30 mill spindle

    I have a Taiwan built 8x30 Jet milling machine. I need to remove the spindle, as the key seems to have gone AWOL and the upper, cylindrical part of the R8 bore has become very tight. Have any of you ever removed the spindle from one of these machines? If so, please give me some hints so I...
  8. misfitsailor

    can't believe I did that...

    This is an iron crankshaft casting for a PMR #1. I realized as I left the bandsaw that I seem to have hit a snag. :Doh:
  9. misfitsailor

    Improvement to mini lathe

    I bought this lathe new over ten years ago, but hardly use it since getting a Logan last year. The one thing I have always hated about this mini lathe are the cheap plastic handwheels. After a long internet search I settled for these chromed cast iron wheels from Amazon. The holes were too...
  10. misfitsailor

    Need plans for Wall 4 flathead

    I have a nearly finished Wall 4, but have no drawings. I already tried Cole's in Texas. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. misfitsailor

    Little Angel doing useful work

    I hooked my Bob Shores Little Angel up to a Tochtrop pump jack. The belt is a big rubber band.
  12. misfitsailor

    2013 WEME show was great!

    After an absence of 2 years, I exhibited at the WEME show this year! I whined and moaned about moving the show to the Good Guys car show in Pleasanton, CA, but let me say right here that I was wrong. This venue does make sense, and we are exposing untold thousands to our unique passion of...