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  1. M

    Lothar Matrian, St Helens Steam Engine

    Recently I finished building a St Helens Steam Engine. The orginal engine was built in 1880 and was installed at Kirkby England. The full size engine was a compound with a high pressure cylinder of 32 inches and a low pressure cylinder of 60 inches. The stroke was 6 feet. I bought the castings...
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    Searching for Lanz Bulldog 12HL

    I recently viewed the following U tube: The subject is the showing of a Lanz Bulldog 12HL scale model Bulldog Tractor. I have not been able to find the source of the castings for this tractor. In the past I built a different model of the Bulldog and I have a strong desire to build this 12HL...
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    Black Hills Model Engine Expo 2023 poster

    Attached is the poster for 2023:
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    Black Hills Model Engineering Show on for track 2020

    The Black Hills Model Engineering Show will take place on September 26th & 27Th. For more information go to:
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    Wanted Holt Engine castings

    I am looking for two sets of castings for the Holt 4 cylinder. I am aware that Coles was the source, but It appears they are no longer in business and I prefer to buy casting sets from individuals that have been partially machined or still in the box. Will to pay a fair price.
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    Need help with unkown metal

    I am building a two cylinder overhead cam gas engine by Joe Tochtrop. The prints call for Lynite- F.A.O. for a bearing. Anyone know what this is?
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    Garrett compound stationary steam engines

    The Garrett engine pictured was a very challenging project. I completed construction earlier this year
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    American Beam Steam Engine

    The winter before last I finished my American Beam Steam Engine. The construction of this engine took nearly a year of time and was built in spurts over a period of three years. The casting kit for this engine is available from Historic Models LLC. This engine is a scale example of early...
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    Engine for the Holt 75

    After a log period of trying to get a running engine, today the Holt engine for my tractor ran for the first time. I still have numerous problems to solve but with luck I will have the engine installed and running for the NAMES show. I will post pictures in a couple of days.
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    1/8 scale Holt 75 tractor is Finished

    I have completed the tractor and now I am working on the engine.
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    A few more storage room photos

    More photos
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    Storage room for models

    To keep my models clean and rust free, I built a room with heat and humidity control. Attached are some pictures.
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    More shop photos

    Here are more shop photos
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    shop photos

    Once a quarter I host a model builders club meeting ni my shop. Before the meeting I take time to cleanup and put this in order. While it is clean I thought now is a good time to take pictures/ Please see attached.
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    Triple Cross Engine

    I finished my Triple Cross engine last September. The idea came from a picture of a cutaway engine that was used a a teaching tool. The cut away had two camshafts and I like the concept. The engine was built without drawings and the only casting was the flywheel. It is hopper cooled, hit and...
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    Holt tractor By newbie

    Hi, I'm new to HMEM. I have been an active builder for over 40 years. I am currently building a 1/8 scale model of a 1918 Holt 75 tractor. The engine castings are from Coles and the tractor is scratch built.