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  1. L

    1/4 Scale merlin project - allowance for honing

    A very good day to you all, The cylinder blocks and crank case now largely completed I am turning my thoughts to the cylinder liners. These I will make from 4130 seamless steel tube in the annealed state. My first tests seem to show this material to be quite readily machineable. I know this...
  2. L

    Casting defect how best to repair it?

    Good day to all, Whilst machining one of the cylinder block aluminium castings for my 1/4 scale Merlin project I have discovered a small defect, perhaps a porosity that has generated a small hole ~1mm wide by ~2mm high at one end into the cooling water volume. Light shining through makes the...
  3. L

    Rolls Royce Merlin build

    Firstly, thank you for accepting me into this forum. I have always had a soft spot for the grace of the Spitfire and the sound that its iconic power plant produces. So back in 2009 I bought investment castings from Richard Maheu in California for a quarter scale V12 Merlin engine. I have lost...