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  1. pirmin kogleck

    Pm Research #1 Mill Engine Modified slightly

    Hy Guys, i have been absent from this forum long time , so i want to show you what can be done from a Pm Research # 1 Mill engine with some slight modifications I made a built up crankshaft instead using the cast iron one, the acces material was not enough so that it would clean up. The Oilers...
  2. pirmin kogleck

    Stuart Turner S50 , a Little Help required for Tap sizes !

    hy i want to build a stuart turner s50 steam engine , and therefor i need to buy me a few Taps and Dies , and i noticed that there is quite a mix between BA and BSW or other type of threads on the buids from other people ! does someone maybe know the exact taps and Dies wich are required...