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  1. T

    Generator plans?

    Litz wire is for high frequency to deal with skin effect of current flow. (as frequency increases the current decreases in the center of the wire. Thus normal stranded or sold wire ad high frequency is not useful. Main power lines put steel in the center to carry the weigh and aluminum or...
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    Autodesk Fusion 360 or other free software?

    Granite, Creo, and now Onshape. If PTC is following the normal approach your aloud to import many formats but very few export formats. Typically one STL which is useless as an import to another 3D modeling software. Creo if I remember had a number of parts limit. Now if you do not...
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    Autodesk Fusion 360 or other free software?

    I have been using free or nearly free cad software for decades. I have at work used the 2D drafting software developed by Boeing. AutoCAD 2D is junk in comparison. That was first on grouped work stations running as terminals off a main frame computer. Before PCs. I have an elbow drafting...
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    Autodesk Fusion 360 or other free software?

    freeCAD is trying to be a complete product. It has work benches for many different tasks from architecture, mechanical 3D a tech drawing package, finite element both fluid and stress, and a cnc package. None are as easy to use as the commercial products but I have used it for years now...
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    Shrink fit

    have you done the calculation??? Aluminum 6000 series 13.0x10^-6 in/(in*F) cast 13.7 to 9.0 x10^-6 in/(in*F) stainless steel 10.4 to 8.3 to 6.4 cast x10^-6 in/(in*F) steel 8.3 to 8.0 x10^-6 in/(in*F) example air 80F measured and steel temp heat aluminum to 250F Say 1 inch OD steel ID Al...
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    Gear cutting

    Note: the cutter is used for a range of number of teeth. Exact involute gear is different for each number of teeth gear. Thus the cutter only cuts a true involute for one gear of the range and an error occurs for the other gears.
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    tube pump

    A Rotary Peristaltic Pump is a tube pump that dominates the area. Medical drug pumping and chemistry are the main customers. The reason is the prevention of leaks and contamination. However many ink jet machines use a peristaltic. I recovered on from a printer that failed. Want to pump...
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    Spring mandrel size

    Spring back, the spring wound on a mandrel will upon stopping the coiling of the spring and releasing the end will uncoil a little and become loose on the mandrel, diameter increases to the final diameter. Not found a formula for determining this spring back. The bending process requires that...
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    Which O-Ring for piston ring?

    Parker handbook on o-ring has a temperature chart: Perfluorinated Elastomer (FFKM) 250C to 300C, TFE/Propropylene (FEPM) 235C to 250C, silicone rubber (VMQ) 210C to 250C, and Flourocarbon Rubber (FKM) 205C to 250C.
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    Making a Simple Ceramic Burner

    FreeCAD, yes zero cost, is a design software where you can model the burner. It has a work bench that allows you to do finite element. I have not used it but part of that work bench is a fluid flow analysis. I do not know if in includes burning where temperature and gas properties change...
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    Sun-Planet Engine

    The approach would be interesting for a four stroke engine since the valve cam could be on the output shaft and each rotation of the shaft is a powered. What needs to be determined is the weight and size effect.
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    Trouble with cut off operations

    You tuber Wink's Metal Working Tips has been working on cut off tooling. Chuck overhang issue effecting cut off: Cutt off tool design: modifying cut off tool part 1 and 2:
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    Making a distributor cap

    PC board need to have good dielectric properties. So starting there [ ] G9 glass melamine 7.12 dielectric constant and 0.017 dissipation factor. Epoxy FR glass is 5.2 dielectric constant and 0.025...
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    Help regarding internal gear

    I had the opportunity to have experts design the gears for the few times I needed them. As an aerospace company we pushed gear and bearing hard. Purchase many of them so the manufactures were happy to present seminars which I did attend. Basic understanding is that a gears do not move if...
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    Feasibility of small 4-cycles in practical usage?

    Heat of combustion is not that much different in a two or four stroke engine. The reed valve is closed when it is exposed on one side by the ~2000+F temperature gas, but on the other side of the thin sheet of metal it is pressed hard against a metal surface often aluminum. Aluminum is a...
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    Fixing an old lathe with spindle "droop"

    The picture doesn't show a tail stock but still if you can a line up the spindle shaft with the tool bit holder for a boring bar then your in business. Options is to machine hard wood journal bearing that are well oiled for doing the machining. Can replace the back bearing with a hard wood...
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    Fixing an old lathe with spindle "droop"

    I looked up Greenwood & Batley Ltd on the 'Vintage Machinery' organization site Didn't find your lathe but found two that may help others on how it is likely built.
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    Fixing an old lathe with spindle "droop"

    I assume the shaft is not parallel with the bed and the likely problem is with the bearing close to the chuck. I also assume that you have a hole in the spindle shaft for a Morse taper. I also assume you have a Morse taper in the tail stock. The problem you have is to machine out the bearing...
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    Help regarding internal gear

    You may try drawing and calculating software offered by gear manufacture. Manufactures get expert gear designers involved so the likelihood of getting usable gears is higher then the coders that make the gear design listed above except for Gearotic. You need to signup with them. I didn't do...