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  1. T

    Plans for casting

    Gingery has many aluminum cast machine designs for a lathe, horizontal mill, shaper, to name a few. They are I believe from the 40's and 50's. Can still purchase plans and if you get lucky you many be able to get the books through the library inner system loans. You will also find youtube...
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    Helical gear problems - Help

    The KHK reference document "calculation of gear dimension". There are a few pages on helix gears. many articles show cutting jigs for helix gears. HMEM group web site has an article "helical gear cutting lathe attachment" It is the original document I believe. The basic setup will work...
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    Spur gear meshing question.

    The size of the pin determines where on the volute profile the measurement is taken. So the objective is to have a pin size close to the ideal size on the table or calculated. The equations and formula in the programs doesn't care about the pin size since it determines, calculates the location...
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    Spur gear meshing question.

    Looking on the web can find the best wire size: As you see from the table that you can find the pin size. then use the on line calculating programs. Here is a source of equations and a image of the equations. Calculation of Gear Dimensions | KHK Gears they also have a gear calculation...
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    Spur gear meshing question.

    The goal is to duplicate that shaper. You can create a multi tooth rack gear cutter that will generate a involute as accurately as you want by the number of cuts. and and Gear cutting with a rack form multi-tooth cutter He added a camera to get a magnified view to increase accuracy. and...
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    Single Phase To Three Phase Rewind - Lathe Uprate

    As I said a great article. I have an under powered 1940 Atlas F model lathe that needs the ways scraped more then a power increase. But as an engineer that design parts on paper I know my machining skills are poor so I consider the low power as a way of keeping things safer. I have made an...
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    Single Phase To Three Phase Rewind - Lathe Uprate

    I said that you could find diagrams for winding a motor with a number of slots on the web. Since now I know the number of slots here is a 5 minute or less search.
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    Single Phase To Three Phase Rewind - Lathe Uprate

    You can find the winding pattern on the web for a stator with a particular number of slots for the typical two, four, and six pole motors. The stamping pattern of the lamination are standardized so you chances are high of finding the pattern. If not then at least you have examples to help find...
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    Single Phase To Three Phase Rewind - Lathe Uprate

    I was part of a team that built a 3 phase induction motor for a proof of concept for an electric torpedo. It was a 300 Hp motor that I could pick up, about 100 lbs. and I also built a VFD drive that also I could pick up. A 300 Hp 60 Hz motor was in the background of a photo with two of us...
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    Single Phase To Three Phase Rewind - Lathe Uprate

    Great article. I worked at an aircraft generator system and motor manufacture. Further I packaged electronic speed drives so understand the whole system. The typical VFD makes step changes to create 3 phase. The single phase input is converted to DC at a higher voltage above the peak for...
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    Autodesk Fusion 360 or other free software?

    I have used Pro E and Siemens UG-NX both for engineering firms. And have had some experience with Solidworks. I have used the free cad programs of Granite, Creo, and freeCAD plus evaluated a few others. EVERY CAD PROGRAM HAS ADVANTAGES AND PROBLEMS. Building a model seems to take the same...
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    Build my own milling machine

    I fixed the top of a brick chimney also. Snow, ice, and rain destroyed the concrete holding the bricks together. Took it down to the roof and then rebuild it up. There was not reinforcement in the chimney thus any side forces would put the chimney in tension, break the bond to the bricks...
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    Solidworks for Mac?

    FreeCad will let you make drawings and do far more different things. As far as instructions. Your correct that their is not much written instruction but there are many youtube videos. One problem is that some are from before the step change. But they are still valuable once you understand...
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    Build my own milling machine

    I have been interested in building my own machines since I saw the Gingery designed home made machines: lathe, Mill, and shaper. There are others all made from aluminium castings and steel ways that are flat bars. Gingery-style homemade metal lathe builds | Make: But casting seem to be a...
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    Build my own milling machine

    Concrete or rather bricks held together with concrete building have been move without cracking the concrete or plaster, also brittle, in the building. My parents two floor home was moved about 5 blocks without a single crack in the home. Picked up off a foundation, rolled over a basement, onto...
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    Build my own milling machine

    Concrete is about ten times stronger in compression as tension. A great starting point to understand concrete is Tyler Ley youtube videos. Primary goal is to keep concrete in compression. when that isn't possible then fibers of may types are used to carry tension so that the tension in the...
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    Build my own milling machine

    Concrete bridge port milling machine has been built as other big commercial machines. Concrete is typically made with epoxy replacing concrete. Machine Casting – Castinite However actual concrete machines were build during WWII to produce production parts. The base line is patent 1154155 by L...
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    Generator plans?

    I got my knowledge from experience also. I packaged aircraft generator systems and did some special projects including a 350HP induction motor feed by 1000 Hz three phase current created by an inverter I also packaged. Rotor is about the diameter and length of a coffee can. Steel lamination...
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    Autodesk Fusion 360 or other free software?

    If you start looking at discussions of FreeCAD and who is making work benchs and modules you will find China has many users. It is also popular in other cultures that have developed Lenix. I am sure there is an approach to fund the web site for the people using their skills to develop the...