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    Mark's First investment casting

    I worked 30 yrs in aerospace and investment aluminum casting were the bread and butter of our assemblies. I would happy to get these parts from our casters. I do suggest you look into the approach of coating the wax with plaster and build up thickness. There are some Youtube videos on doing...
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    Grinding spindle.

    Talk to the bearing manufacture that have applications at the speeds your talking about. Viscosity and volume of oil generally decreases to deal with heating. It takes power thus heat to push oil out of the way of the bearing components. Mist oil system is often used. About the bearing...
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    Swashplate Engine

    Worked at Sundstrand Aerospace now part of UTC. Hydraulic pumps/motors with variable displacements are all swash plate design and the Mark 49 torpedo engine is a swash plate engine with pressure supplied by rocket fuel. For hydraulic swash plate designs they ability to pull and push the piston...
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    Canned air is extremely explosive...

    The only good thing to say is at least there wasn't combustible vapor or gas in the air, like the oil lubricant and a spark created when the failure happened.
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    Canned air is extremely explosive...

    Such a list of people getting hurt by explosions. Lucky I do not have a story. As a young boy we had fun creating a dust explosion. Candle sitting on the ground at the center of a 3 inch diameter by about 6 foot long aluminum pipe resting on bricks to have an air inlet. We dropped down a...
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    Grinding spindle.

    the balls are like your car tires. they roll instead of slide. The tires roll on flat, concave, and convex roads and stay or track in a worn cupped out track. Balls act the same way. The lubricant is like having a wet road. So long as the acceleration of the ball is low it rolls instead of...
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    Grinding spindle.

    All bearing are angular contact when preloaded. as you can see that the balls contact at a circular line of contact on the OD and ID race that are different diameters. The contact is a very small area for each ball. due to the metal under load deforming elastically like for example press a...
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    Shop equipment options

    Great purchase. I bought a use round vertical axis bench top milling machine the next size up to yours. You can do a lot with it. The general recommendations is that you need to first learn to machine by hand. The reason is that you need to know your machine capacity and the capacity of the...
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    Grinding spindle.

    Worked for an aerospace company for 20 years. Built aircraft generators usually 2 pole at 400 Hz 24,000 rpm and rocket driven turbines that spin at a much higher speed. Rule for bearing is always to preload them. This insures the balls are always rolling. Do not want what happens with the...
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    Home Foundry

    I am just someone that view this site so I am only suggesting something. Lots of hobby people exist and they do need material. They could form a co-op to purchase material. The group could purchase in bulk and repackage it a local warehouse. Ideally be a corner of a small business builing...
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    I have been using free cad for some years. Transition from Creo free version since couldn't make step files. The goal of commercial owned free cad programs is to get you to purchase. I agree with much of what you say. Free Cad made a step jump after 16 where the structure of the program...
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    Shrink Fit

    That chart on coefficient of expansion is the starting point to calculate the temperature difference needed. ( steel OD x coef x delta temp = new OD, brass ID x coef x delta temp = new ID ) Then add some additional clearance. You can heat heat brass to a high temperature. In aerospace we...
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    Shop Vac for the Mill

    At 71 I agree this is not the first thing I want to do. But I do not want to have a few inches of water in my garage and my tools sitting in the water. rust. That I think would be a bigger job to clean up after a flood or adapt the shop. I once owned a house that lucky had a basement where my...
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    Shop Vac for the Mill

    This is an unusual solution. How about raising the floor in the garage? Lay down 1" concrete squares. Need more bricks. Big box store near me have two thicknesses. A can pour self leveling concrete if the floor isn't flat. How much loss in the door opening can you loose. May have to do...
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    Shop Vac for the Mill

    Freezing of fluid in the gutter drain will make it useless for a rain while the drain discharge pipe is frozen. Raising the driveway in front of the door so water flows away from the garage would at least minimize the amount of water.
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    Automated gear cutting setup on mill.

    Found this image on cutting gears by copying from a 3D printed gear. This gives a lot of freedom. Make your own cutter. Using the threading feature on a lathe to make a hob cutter using the same approach. However teeth can be cut to a high quality by moving the above cutter and pattern...
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    Helical gear cutting setup

    Spur gear and helix gear tolerance can result in lose of contact for some range of travel. Bending load of a spur gear not making contact is zero. Helix gear load is carried by both the portion of the tooth making contact and that not making contact since they are part of a single helix. Big...
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    Shop equipment options

    Being on this site your likely not making things bigger then what this milling machine can handle. I have a round cyclinder mill. this is a step up because position is maintained when raising the head to drill after milling etc.. Further this mill can be used in the manual mode. You do...
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    Let's talk drilling...

    I have never needed to drill a very deep hole accurately. The century old method is to gun drill the hole. Modern gun drills have a hole for oil cooling and removing the chips, however; being centuries old the is an improvement done because we can and it speeds up the process. A gun drill...
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    Toolpost Grinders

    I have a Themac tool post grinder that came with the Atlas 10 F lathe. Finally thru a hobby site like this I found out were to get a belt. Didn't get wheels. Have not needed to use it yet. It does fit on the cross slide and I remember seeing it mounted on the lathe when my father was using...