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  1. T

    Casting brass.

    Cut any gear with just a slitting saw or 917,268 views Jan 14, 2022 This is about the simplest way to make an accurate gear with the minimum of...
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    Total new-comer to CAD. Which programme to choose.

    FreeCAD is FREE and very capable with a lot of tutorials. One good source is download 20.0 setup and navigation FreeCAD: understanding Building a basic part in part designer Design master sketch parametrics modeling piston crank...
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    Callout to those with some FreeCAD knowledge

    I agree that the videos take time. Start with the basis can you use sketcher and part design? Everything adds to these. Of the half dozen CAD programs I have use these all work the same so learn it on any other cad program. All the other modules basics are also similar but the process is...
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    Callout to those with some FreeCAD knowledge

    I have used freeCAD since about version 14. You can see my model of an Atlas F lathe in one of the earlier versions that was exported as step so that I could be put on GrabCad. I almost exclusively use these day from the standard modules part designer, part, and sketch. Added A Assembly 4...
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    Total new-comer to CAD. Which programme to choose.

    Thank you for who ever sent me an add for Solid Works for builders. I went straight to the file restrictions information. this is what your getting a discount for, very restrictive compared to FreeCAD. The export format is limited to what could be sent to a 3D printer and likely a CNC...
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    Total new-comer to CAD. Which programme to choose.

    Solid Works is a great program, however; is isn't cheap and you add cost for every significant additional major capacity like analysis and CNC. The 2D capacity is good, been a long time since I had a seat on SW. You get something for your money. But I do not make a penny from using a cad...
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    Total new-comer to CAD. Which programme to choose.

    Free cad has substantial quality of YouTube videos there has been a continues stream of them for all the releases for a decade. For the basics old videos are relevant. Big change was made at version 17 so use videos 17 and above. I have a lot of files in 12 to 16. So I have 16 version still.
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    Total new-comer to CAD. Which programme to choose.

    I have learned about a dozen cad programs most free in the last 40 years. The commercial thousands of dollars have more refined finishing features, but I haven't found a free cad 3D program that doesn't create the part using the same steps: sketch, path line to extrude to ad or remove...
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    Total new-comer to CAD. Which programme to choose.

    Free cad is first of all a "CAD" program with the ability to draw sketches and make solids, combined solids add or remove to make parts. 2D drawing can be projected for the part and dimensions. Parts can be put together to make assembly. About all the other modules. I seldom use them, once a...
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    Total new-comer to CAD. Which programme to choose.

    I have used at my employer's expense 2D Autodesk a little and one provide by Boeing. 3D cad: Pro-E, UG, Solid Works. On the hobby end: used Granite, Creo both from Pro-E, purchase one that went bankrupt, and tried about three other in the free versions. I have settled on FreeCAD as an open...
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    Almost burned my shop down and didn't even know it

    The new outlets are designed for easy wire attachment. A hole in the back where the wire is pushed into. Have a release tap so the wire can be pulled back out. As you can see there is very little pressure and small area for the connection. That means the resistance is higher because the...
  12. T

    Teflon as spark plug insulator

    Gave some thinking of making a ceramic spark plug insulator. Skip firing and sealing. Dry out the green clay it will shrink. steel expands greater then the clay, but the clay before sintering may slump on the OD of the clay. The electrode will push the clay out so the sintered ID of the...
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    Teflon as spark plug insulator

    I would either pot the electrode to the ceramic insulator top to bottom or just the top leaving air. Reason is that the silicone rubber will flex and can stand likely as high temperature as corian. Then pot the spark plug with epoxy. The reason is that the threaded body is heat sink to the...
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    Teflon as spark plug insulator

    Working on an engine design. Need a spark plug. Really not happy with plastic as the insulator. The temperature limits shown by others is why. The outline is for a purchase plastic insulated spark plug. Put ceramic in the hot zone. The steel electrode is a poor heat conductor and so is the...
  15. T

    Cast Iron Stress relief?

    When you pour the iron in a mold it cools from the outside inward which creates stresses. How this stress is measured is to put an indicator on the metal and slowly machine away material. For a simple shape you can use standard stress theory equations to determine the stress removed by the...
  16. T

    is alluminium or brass better for steam engine pistons

    coef Expansion friction Coef material in/ (in*F) on steel 6000 series Aluminum 13.1x10-6 0.47 Brass 11.8x10-6 0.44 carbon steel hardening grade 8.3x10-6 Your choice is my opinion. Use of plastic is far more complex. Plastic absorbs water and expands. Plastic gets weaker as they...
  17. T

    Help please.

    The contact are very high temperature metals. Look closely and you will see oxidized metal that melted. Basically no grease in the world can take that heat, Vaporize. Almost all contacts do not rub, horizontal travel, movement of the the contact is perpendicular to the faces. The arc breaks...
  18. T

    Organic Fluid Boiler question.

    I was going to do the analysis which I did one around 2000 for the total time I practiced engineering. However when I looked up the properties of R134a and R32 (couldn't fine R30) the boiling point at atmosphere pressure is not practical and for a hobby boiler you wouldn't want a pressurized...
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    Mark's First investment casting

    They are called a steam ejectors and have been around in the chemistry industry and power plants to remove air from the condensers for a century or more. The biggest is used I assume even today to test rocket engines at very high altitudes up to very close to space. Those ejectors are multi...