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  1. T

    Gear cutting on mini mill

    The CAD designed gears are not being cut with a CNC program that would require a very very accurate gear. The freeCAD program allows you to increase that points along the involute. Is it good enough? However DIY gear are cut with a few...
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    Gear cutting on mini mill

    This is the gear modal 1mm 10 and 6 teeth 20 deg pressure angle and pitch circle. Created by part design work bench on freeCAD21. This is a good design. As you can see this is an undercut gear. The only problem I have seen with the Gear work bench is the clearance at the root of the gear...
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    How to cut internal gear?

    Great use of a button gear. A pinion gear shaper tool is used that is geared to rotate with the ring gear bank on commercial machines. (larger OD for cutting root of ring gear and only nee a few teeth on each side of the center) This could be make with the DIY gear cutting approaches found here...
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    Ring gear for Edwards radial.

    I really like this solution. Your showing a purchased cutter, but a DIY cutter would also work. It is a single tooth cutter.
  5. T

    Ring gear for Edwards radial.

    I really like this solution. Your showing a purchased cutter, but a DIY cutter would also work.
  6. T

    Direct drive vs. geared flywheel?

    Weight is a big problem with aircraft so they would use gears to reduce the weight of a flywheel, however; the quality of the gears would be much higher then likely the rest of the gears. This was the case for the gears in torpedoes where noise was an issue. Noise is produced by the same...
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    Direct drive vs. geared flywheel?

    A belt is both a dampener and a spring. So there can be situations where in has the resonance near one of the machine's resonance. A directly connected flywheel lowers the resonance frequencies and the amplitude resulting. › downloads › 0505swan.pdf
  8. T

    First time bevel gear cutting

    This approach will work for both spur and bevel gears. For bevel gears the mod changes along the gear cone. So calculate the mode at the small end of the cone. Pitch Diameter_small end / number of teeth = mod_small end. and Pitch Diameter_large end / number of teeth = mod_large end...
  9. T

    Using a microwave oven to harden a sodium silicate core.

    The sand has to be bone dry. Liquid nitrogen requires special vessels to store it and it has a short shelf life. I can not think why the sand stays together after the LN is totally evaporated and is strong enough for pouring hot metal into.
  10. T

    Stepper Motors

    OK, so you trading off more drag and wear since the balls has to be sliding with preset force against each other and on the ball tracks of the nut. I have never seen a ball screw with a cage, but I haven't purposely looked. I do have limited exposure to ball screws. Did they apply the solution...
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    Stepper Motors

    I said commercial machines which you expanded and added the reason in hobby machines. I agree but as most thing it is a little more complicated. Ball screws do not eliminate back lash so do not save on software to compensate. Understand that a ball screw can be back driven which creates it's...
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    Stepper Motors

    To determine the size of a stepper motor you need to measure the torque needed to turn the part with the same force pushing against the bed. You can do this with a torque wrench and someone with a video camera that you can go frame by frame. Put weight on the bed for the downward force. If...
  13. T

    turning a square part to small for the chuck

    I did think that this maybe hard to set up. So first one jaw of the four could be at the bottom. Then two cylinders can be placed against the two corners of this jaw and pushed against the jaws that are horizontal. Now the square is set to contact those two cylinders and the corners point to...
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    All metals oxidize and what do you do is to coat them with oil. The parts of a lathe or mill should be coated that are steel or cast iron I coat since they sit in my garage.
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    turning a square part to small for the chuck

    This may sound crazy! What came to mind is a friction planetary transmission. With this approach place round stock same size to touch the corners of two of the jaws but not touch each other. Then place the square stock so that each side touches the round stock. It should self center just like...
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    I have an Atlas lathe an the change gears are all cast in ZAMAK. The metal has decent strength properties.
  17. T

    Measuring thread depth without wires - your views, please

    I have seem a micrometer my dad own, he worked for a screw manufacture. The tips were ground into a 60 degree triangle that wasn't very tall one side had one and another two. Works for a single thread per inch measurement. That suggest that getting three 3mm triangular files and use them as...
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    North Carolina

    Retired engineer with about 3 dozen patents for the various companies I worked for. Basically an inventor for hire after I left my employer with about 2 dozen patents in 20 years. About one per dozen makes money. As an individual applying for a patent the cost is reduced significantly...
  19. T

    FreeCAD: A moderately complex example

    Everyone struggles with fillet and no cad program has a great solution. (ProE, UG, Creo, Solid Works, etc.) The order is very very important. And you can not make a filet that goes over another larger often. Do not have to be much smaller. Seem the video shows your not doing bad at all. I...
  20. T

    Casting brass.
