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    Bob Shores Pacifier Tribute

    its funny, I was just listening to the Pee Wee 4 running and switched to the larger brother and they both seem happy ticking right away. Great job as usual, Brian
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    Nemett Lynx 15 cc 4 Stroke I/C Petrol Engine

    Gus, it might have been a pain to do but You have got it licked now. I also have this on my list to do. Your doing great job! Brian
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    Horizontal Milling Attachment

    This is going to solve alot of my problems also Chuck. Thanks for taking us with you on this AWESOME project. Brian
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    Miniature belt sander

    Brian, I have the same one Luc has and I have had no problems at all in 3 years and I use it quite a lot on aluminum pieces. The Black and Decker has served me well. Brian;D
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    Micromark tools

    I have the 7x14 Micromark with all the bells and whistles and it has served me well. I like most also have larger machines also when needed. I would recommend the new 7x16 they have, but I also have the Little Machine Shop milling machine which has the larger table. It has also served me very...
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    Chased Back to Canada!!!

    Yeah, your correct Tin we could have all had lunch and talk machines:D Brian
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    My Hodgson 9 Radial Final Assembly

    Beautiful !Terry, everything you've built has been first rate but you have outdone yourself. Brian:D
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    How to cut aluminium plates

    Thanks to new technology on carbide and adhesion there are blades for almost anything you want to cut and it seems like steel and aluminum are on there main lists. I have used Milwaukee and Morse models with great success also, but it seems like having the smaller blades make you more mobile. I...
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    How to cut aluminium plates

    ---Read the blade guys --- it says STEEL DEMON -these are made for cutting steel and non-ferrous materials, I agree there are way to many accidents from using wood blades on this type of work and thats why I copied a picture of the real thing. Brian
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    1/3 Scale Austin Seven Engine

    Unbelieveable !!! Truly a class act. Brian
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    How to cut aluminium plates

    The best way I've cut flat stock is with a carbide tipped circular saw blade. I have used Lennox models from "Lowe's"and Freud Diablo from "Home Depot" and recently got a 6.5" Tenyru for my Rigid cordless circular saw and LOVE it. The speed and virtulay burr free cuts make the jobs so much...
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    Farm Boy - Crankshaft Material?

    John, when I built mine I ordered some and it ended up being on backorder and I ended up using 1144 which is "stressproof" that Steve is talking about and it worked great. I still have the 0-1 but as easy as the 1144 machines and the beautiful finish will keep you using it forever. Plus the 1144...
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    New Lathe install

    Congrats, thats the same one I have and I love it- you will be very happy !! Brian
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    Hi speed steel inserts in UK

    Gus, I recently bought a bunch of bits from them and LOVE them. I got a bunch of sizes for my Nickole cutoff tool and they last me a lot longer buy far and if it gets dull you just hit it with a stone and back in action and they last me a lot longer. I got some ccmt's cnmg's and tmng's. I might...
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    This is a sign of true craftsmanship. I have the castings but not the time now and I would love for mine to look as great as yours when done! brian
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    Anyone use or have one of these ?

    V45, I also have the g4003 and am very happy with it. I have used it for about 5 or 6 years now and it's very faithfull. I have used it for general use and also hardened steel- not any problems at all, the gap has been in and out a couple a dozen times and goes back perfect every time. I would...
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    Holt Engine from Coles

    I have the castings just can't find the time now, works to busy. How long do you think it took to build hour wise? thanks for showing us some of your great craftsmenship. Brian
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    Super Tigre G32 1cc diesel - a 5cc version

    Beautiful, simply a work of metal art. I am always amazed at how much I learn from these post and perfect pictures. You are truly in a class with very few Ramon. I check a couple times a day just to see if you have any updates. Please continue thanks, Brian
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    :bow: :bow: Beautiful indeed, it makes all the unforseen headaches go away when she sounds like that. Excellent Job Pete. Brian :bow: :bow:
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    looking for plans for v-6 or v-8

    Most are custom made- Plugs, a writeup was done by Mr. George Britnell a while ago just check the search in work in progress forums- Radiators are just heater cores cut to fit, Mr Giles did a writeup in Home Machinist magazine not to long ago just check around for it - breather caps are simple...