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  1. dsquire

    Hard aluminum Vs. mild steel?

    Lew is a member of and can be found there. Cheers :) Don
  2. dsquire

    Compressed Air V8 Cirrus

    Chuck Are you making invisible gears now. If you are, then that explains why I can't see them. :hDe: Cheers :) Don
  3. dsquire

    Horizontal Mill Engine - PM Research No.1

    Brian I have been following your build of the PM Research No.1 for a while now. Metal wise you have made an excellent job and it would standout for that alone. The fact that you built the fancy wood base with all the extra detail really makes it a standout show stopper. Thanks for...
  4. dsquire

    Another New Toy

    Bob I believe that I hit the targets to the sides of me on several occasions. Sometimes you would have to aim at the corners of the target to try and find the center of your group so that you could dial it in. We had one Sargent that was a real marksman. At the end of the summer we went to the...
  5. dsquire

    Dynamo build by castings

    Manfred Thank you for allowing us to look over your shoulder while you designed, tested and built the dynamo. It certainly is a beautiful model. I shall look forward to your next model and hope that you will also share it with HMEM members. Cheers :) Don
  6. dsquire

    Another New Toy

    Rick Another 6 shots and you should have the center of the group dropped dead on center. If I were a flea I wouldn't feel safe sitting anywhere in that inner circle. As a teenager I spent 8 weeks in Army Cadets at Camp Borden taking a Rifle Coaching Course and getting paid. We spent all our...
  7. dsquire

    Saving You-Tube Video's

    Rick I had a look at this program and it looks like it could be a good one. Looks like it has lots of features, some of which I might use. I have downloaded it and will give it a try when I get a chance. Cheers :) Don
  8. dsquire

    Steam Traction Engine

    bfhgfv1212 Thanks for posting the link for the Steam Traction Engine. Do you have any more details of it from when it was built? I have tried to edit the link so that it would be embeded (show the photo) but no luck so far so will have to keep trying. We look forward to learning more about...
  9. dsquire

    Superb Live Steam Traction Engine Repair job

    bfhgfv1212 Wow. That is quite a steam traction engine and some great pictures of the details. We like to see lots of photo's so that is great. If I could just ask you the next time to please break up the post so that it only contains 10 or so photos per post. Make as many posts as you need to...
  10. dsquire

    Mini steam spideriia

    bfhgfv1212 That is a very nice effort at converting from electric. Thanks for sharing the photo's and video with us. Cheers :) Don
  11. dsquire

    Rough and Tumble show next week

    cheepo45 Thanks for the update. I am sure that it will be a fantastic show. I just wish that conditions were different and I was able to travel to it. Perhaps you will keep your camera handy and bless us with some photo's after the show is over for another year. Cheers :) Don
  12. dsquire

    Steam launch

    Don The video works for me. I am watching it as I type this. Maybe it's those Gremlins at work again. Cheers :) Don
  13. dsquire

    Rough and Tumble show next week

    cheepo45 It might be a good idea if you could post the location of the Thresherman's Reunion. There may be people that would be interested if they knew where it was. Cheers :) Don
  14. dsquire

    Gas line repair (I hope...)

    Bob When you edited the original post at 9:56pm did you make any changes to this post that causes the photo to show or did it just magically appear without explanation? I hate it when things happen without reason. Cheers :) Don
  15. dsquire

    Gas line repair (I hope...)

    Bob I am going to try "attaching" the photo in question from my computer to see if it makes any difference. Ok, It show up OK in the preview so why does it not show up in the Lockstocknbarrel post? Strange. Cheers :) Don
  16. dsquire

    Gas line repair (I hope...)

    Bob Yes, that is the one. The problem is though. Why is it not showing up in the original message? At one time it did but not does not show now. I have tried to edit it but can see no reason why it is not showing. Cheers :) Don
  17. dsquire

    Its First-Steam-Engine time!!

    Anko That engine is progressing very nicely. You may be just starting on you journey down the road to becoming a Master Machinist and craftsman but judging by you work you have made a very good start. As you have stated, a person can learn a lot watching someone else if they want to learn. I am...
  18. dsquire

    Gas line repair (I hope...)

    Beagles I don't know why the cartoon is not showing up. I went back to the original post and checked. When I tried to edit it says that it is there but it doesn't show up. It isn't the PC police, it is the PC gremlins that must be at work. Now I have to try and find out where they hid it. If it...
  19. dsquire

    As the Kids would say Ya'll ROCK!

    True Hi True and welcome to HMEM. We like to think that we ROCK as well. It looks like you have got enough equipment to get started on an engine. Have you decided which one it will be? I am sure that if you have any questions there will be someone here that will be glad to help so just ask. We...
  20. dsquire

    Compressed Air V8 Cirrus

    Chuck I haven't been saying much but thought that I better let you know that I am watching your progress. I like some of the ideas that you have came up with to solve some of the problems that have came up. You are doing an excellent job. Thanks for continuing to share it with us. Cheers :) Don