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  1. dsquire

    A 3 Board Photo Comparison

    Gail Thanks for the reply and the tips. Sorry to be slow replying. I guess what I am looking for is probably the holy grail. I would just like to leave my monitor setting alone and be able to go from post to post and forum to forum and be able to have the text large enough to read and the...
  2. dsquire

    Penbwl a Welsh tadpole

    Thanks Cheers :) Don
  3. dsquire

    Penbwl a Welsh tadpole

    Brian It was the same in our house. Mother or Grandmother had made nice slip-covers for them. If I remember correctly mine had Cowboys and Indians on them. Cheers :) Don
  4. dsquire

    Penbwl a Welsh tadpole

    Tony I don't care if it is a Penbwl or a Tadpole, it still is a very nice boat. I can well imagine that you would have had a hard time finding Orange crates to use. My sister still has 2 of them from when we were kids. We used them as bedside tables when we were kids. I think that I would have...
  5. dsquire

    A Senseless Repair

    Rick It is because you haven't been been brain washed into believing that everything should be replaced rather than repaired. Good for you. Cost. ? Satisfaction. Priceless. Cheers :) Don
  6. dsquire

    Live Steam rescues Life!

    prallplatte That is a very good movie. I have played around a bit with Windows Movie Maker and know how difficult the learning curve is so I can appreciate the time and effort that you have put into making this movie. Thanks so much for doing it and sharing it with us. Cheers :) Don
  7. dsquire

    Daga III - steam engine

    Irek That Daga III is a beautiful steam engine, Thank you for sharing it with us. We look forward to seeing more details of it in the future when you have a chance. Cheers :) Don
  8. dsquire

    A 3 Board Photo Comparison

    Hi All First, This is not about the contents of the photo but about the size. Second, This post was composed with MS Word Pad in Times New Roman 12pt. Third, I used Firefox as my browser while making the screen capture and also making this post. It will be interesting to look at all 3 posts...
  9. dsquire

    Newbie from Poland

    Irek Welcome to HMEM Irek. I watched both of the video's and they are great. On the second one I was hoping and praying that it would run out of fuel. It seemed the longer it ran the faster it went and I didn't want to see it self-destruct. You can be very proud of both of those engines and I...
  10. dsquire

    Building a V12 crankshaft

    ZapJack This looks like it is going to be a very interesting thread. I am sure that there are many that will be following this thread. I look forward to the next instalment. Cheers :) Don
  11. dsquire

    CVT transmission

    reneepaiva I believe that some snowmobiles use a type of CVT with centrifugal control of the CVT. This was from a machine I owned back in the '70s. I have no idea if they still use the same system or not. Cheers :) Don
  12. dsquire

    Gnome Monosoupape rotary engine

    Wes Those are fantastic pictures of a fantastic project. Using the method of attaching photos like you did I believe that there is a limit of 8 photos per post. Also, the photos all appear at the end of the post and do not allow comments between them. If you upload your photos to photo-bucket...
  13. dsquire

    I Feel Like I Beat the Internet

    rhitee93 Considering that some people and/or company's spend a lot of time and money trying to get their product or company to show up on the first page, this is a remarkable feat. What's more is that you did it honestly without having to pad it with common buzz words to get it there. One thing...
  14. dsquire

    Hello from Western Canada

    Brandon Hi and welcome to HMEM. It is nice to hear that you have found us to your liking so far. From your introduction and photo's it looks like you will have lots to contribute to the forum as well. We look forward to your participation in the various forum's. If you need any help or have any...
  15. dsquire

    Compressed Air V8 Cirrus

    Chuck Very impressive engine. Looks, sounds and runs very nice. Another one that you can be proud to add to your collection. Cheers :) Don
  16. dsquire

    Hello from South Africa

    Hi pieterfry Welcome to HMEM. It would be nice if you could make an introductory post so that we might know a little bit about your wants and needs in the hobby similar to what xavier did to start this thread. I have taken the liberty of editing your email address. This will make it harder for...
  17. dsquire

    3/4 the way done with my model marine engine

    Aydelott I have changed your email address in the above post as shown. This will help to prevent the computer bots that snoop the internet from finding your email address and filling your mailbox with spam. Cheers :) Don
  18. dsquire

    So this guy handed me a card with this forum on it at Rough & Tumble ....

    Jeff Hi and welcome to HMEM. Have a look around and I am sure that you will find a few things that interest you. If you have any questions just ask as there is always someone around to give an opinion or an answer. We look forward to your participation in the various forums. Cheers :) Don
  19. dsquire

    Holiday in Spain - Model Engineering?

    Ian Nice to see that your coming to visit. You say that your going to Alaska. That makes me think that it will be Western Canada or British Columbia that you will be seeing in Canada. I'm in Southern Ontario myself. You'll have to let us know your itinerary so that all us Canadian's can wave as...
  20. dsquire

    Compressed Air V8 Cirrus

    Chuck Honest. When I wrote that reply there was no hint of a gear in your post. As you know we are both moderators so we have editing privileges. I looked at your post and couldn't see anything that could link to a photo. It must be that gremlin at work again. Whatever was the case I am glad...