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  1. dsquire

    A bit further to go Brian?

    Tel I get "Bad Request" when I try to use that URL. it is probably due to the way in which you copied it. This part "vid...hp" is probably not expanding properly. I'm looking forward to seeing it :bow: :bow: Cheers :) Don
  2. dsquire

    Hello from Michigan.

    Scott Hi and welcome to HMEM. It looks like you have lots of well rounded experience which IMHO is great. I am sure that in the future some of us will get a chance to benefit from some of it. When you see something that fits, jump right in and share your opinion or advise. That's what makes...
  3. dsquire


    Foozer Lots of Twinkies here and man are they ever good. On top of that we have no snow. The best of both worlds. What can I say. Sorry. :hDe: Cheers :) Don PS: You can have all the Zingers you want since we have the Twinkies.
  4. dsquire


    Hi Jerry I remember you saying that you were going to be working on your pool. I guess that we just didn't realize that it was that big. It sure does look lovely in that picture. I just hope that you didn't have to promise too much in order for the life line. :big: :big: Hope to see you back...
  5. dsquire

    Hello from Oakdale, MN

    Gordo Hi and welcome to HMEM. As you have been lurking for a couple of years you have probably read all the various greetings that a new member gets. We would love to see some of the projects that you have been involved with when you have the time. How about more information on the antique...
  6. dsquire

    New guy, first build

    Works A-OK now. Lovely little engine. Thanks for sharing it with us and for the video. :bow: :bow: Cheers :) Don
  7. dsquire


    Andrew Wow. What a score. You better buy a couple of bushels of apples to take to work to keep the boss happy while he decides on the welder. :big: :big: I'm glad for you Andrew. Cheers :) Don
  8. dsquire

    Six Shooter Elbow Engine

    Ken Your right. There are a lot of us out here watching with open eyes, mesmerized by what you are doing and just not quite sure what to say but enjoying every minute of it. Keep up the great work Ken. :bow: :bow: Cheers :) Don 1647
  9. dsquire

    Two New Engines

    Captain Jerry Very nice. When you give it a bit of air to start it seems to step right into it and make a nice pull to speed. Even more impressive knowing that it is 5.5 step up with that heavy weight to spin. :bow: :bow: Cheers :) Don
  10. dsquire

    Camera Mounts

    Greg I fixed it up for you. You were missing the opening bracket on [/img]. On both images you ended with ...jpg/img] instead of ...jpg[/img] One character can make a world of difference. Nice camera brackets by the way. Cheers :) Don
  11. dsquire

    Great News!

    Matt Congratulations. As you can see, a lot of people are pulling for you. We will be waiting for any further news. :bow: :bow: Cheers :) Don
  12. dsquire

    Concrete counter tops??

    Andrew That concrete bench looks like it is going to do exactly what you want it to do. Glad to hear that it seems to improve the quality of the cuts that you make with the lathe. There have been lots of interest in this Andrew. In the last few days with the holidays the number of posts in...
  13. dsquire

    How to post a picture.

    Troutsqueezer It is the old story. FREE! When is anything free? They appear to give you something for nothing now all the while sucking you into the vortex and once you can't afford (they hope) to back out they pull the plug and welcome you into there capitalistic world. Now if we could...
  14. dsquire

    Sterling speed-build.

    Peter Congratulations are in order. Now you have it running rather than it sitting there causing you to lose sleep and scratch your head wondering what else you could try to make it run. Onward and upward as they say. :bow: Cheers :) Don
  15. dsquire

    Hi from Canada

    plumbman23 Hi and welcome to HMEM. I am sure that you will have lots of questions so feel free to ask. There is always someone around to answer or at least give an opinion. You might like to put your location into your profile so other members will know where you are from and be better able to...
  16. dsquire


    Hi All Great link showing how steel cylinders are made Brian. I have found a link that shows how aluminum diving tanks and medical oxygen tanks are made from billet aluminum using a combination of pressure and spinning to force it into shape. <iframe width="640" height="480"...
  17. dsquire

    New from Washington USA

    hbs20 Welcome to HMEM and hope that 2012 will be a good year for you. I am sure that when you come to checking out your broken Bridgeport Mill there will be some members that will be willing to give you a few tips on what to look for etc. Just give a shout when your ready. We would love to see...
  18. dsquire


    Cliff Welcome to HMEM and thanks for posting that link. I fully agree with what Rick said. It appears as though a lot of individuals have had there unfortunate circumstances made slightly easier to live with because of the help given by members such as yourself. Thank you. Happy New Year...
  19. dsquire

    Glass Machine

    Hans That is one very sweet looking and running engine that you have built there Hans. You definitely have it in the right place and we would be pleased to see as many more as you can build no matter what the material. It is engine build's like this that raise the bar. We look forward to...
  20. dsquire

    Hit & Miss Solehoid Engine

    flyingtractors1 Very nice and well done solenoid engine's. I like the little touch on the 2nd one with the wheel chocks and the hand crank to get it started. Little things like that take it to the next level. Thanks for sharing them with us. :bow: :bow: Merry Christmas Cheers :) Don