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  1. G

    Another Edwards built.

    I forgot to take a pic of the jig. I'll do it tomorrow.
  2. G

    Another Edwards built.

    You are right, I used that cutter to do the clearance for the link rods. I also made a little jig to do the other side.
  3. G

    Another Edwards built.

    First side done.
  4. G

    Another Edwards built.

    That's the setup i was talking about ;-)
  5. G

    Another Edwards built.

    Thx. I did it one side at time, on the dmu 50. We can choose different "patterns" for pocketing. I will take more pics of my setups for the next parts. For this one, I putted a small chuck plus a V block in a vise clamped on the table lol!! I will take a pic of that tomorrow.
  6. G

    Another Edwards built.

    Finaly done the Camring
  7. G

    Open thread on Edwards 5 Radial

    Until now, i never did small holes. I was a little bit worried, bit i did some holes at 0.069 and it went better than i tought.
  8. G

    Is this usable in model machining?

    Machinery hand book is your friend.
  9. G

    Twin Wankel down under

    Where do you get plans for a Wankel???
  10. G

    Open thread on Edwards 5 Radial

    Great work!!!!
  11. G

    Another Edwards built.

    I removed the sloted holes. Didnt have a 1/16 end mill handy. As far as hardening, we got a complete heat threatment laboratory, so no problem here. I guess i will put it up to 45-50HRC
  12. G

    Another Edwards built.

    I tought it was 1020, but now, i think it's 4140. I will simply do a Rockwell test today. About the slots beeing to big, you are right!! Dumb me lol!!! I putted 0.086 radius instead of diameter lol!!! I want to adjust the cam with the slothed holes first. Then my gear will have 3 pre drilled...
  13. G

    Another Edwards built.

    First side done, but i'll make another one, the material was harder than expected, i will corect some speed and feed next time.
  14. G

    Another Edwards built.

    Should cut the CamRing today.
  15. G

    Fusion 360 learning ?s

    The numerical world is not as easy as it look. Many of the videos out there are lacking basics 3d design rules.
  16. G

    Open thread on Edwards 5 Radial

    Nice infos, thx. Im programming the cam.
  17. G

    Another Edwards built.

    Hummm food for thought.
  18. G

    Another Edwards built.

    Thx, i'll take a look at the article.
  19. G

    Another Edwards built.

    Yes, it's a simplified analysys. I guessed that the threads are not the weak point. There is place for "optimizing" some of the parts and crush some numbers. Lots of fun ahead of me. I want to also make a small dyno to record everything and compare designs.