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  1. N

    Help identifying an engine

    Thanks for the ino. It looks like the same critter. I will do a little research when I get home and will try to finish it. I am away from my shop for the winter which will give me time to research Thanks again Hogan
  2. N

    Variation on a Howell V-Twin

    This is how far I have gotten. I leave for Arizona for the winter next week so there is too much to do to get it running this year but I will dress the prints up and make them available for anyone who wants them. I am assuming it will run since I have compression and air is coming out the...
  3. N

    Variation on a Howell V-Twin

    Yes, the cams are held in place by dog point set screws. I am hoping it is a permanent method. I read an article I found online by Graham Meek about making radial flank cams. He used pins to hold the cams in place. After a little study I figured I could use 6-32 dog point set screws which...
  4. N

    Variation on a Howell V-Twin

    Thought some of you might want to see my latest project. It is a OHC version of Jerry Howell's V-Twin. I have built his engine and it was a great design but it taxed my abilites to the limit even though the one I built runs great. I thought I would try to create a design without the...
  5. N

    Help identifying an engine

    I was given a partially completed engine by a friend who collects antique teather cars. I would like to complete it if I could get a little more info and possibly a picture of one that is completed. It is evidently a casting kit with a crankshaft installed with bronze bushing. The head is...
  6. N

    Overhead Cam Project

    I finally have the design cleaned up enough to make available to anybody that wants it. I make no promises but it should be enough to get it built if you want to. If you want to see mine run go to your tube and look for OHC Video by Hogan Liechty Hogan
  7. N

    Overhead Cam Project This is the link don't know if it will work.
  8. N

    Overhead Cam Project

    It runs quite well finally! I had a few issues to solve first but not too bad. The flywheel wouldnt compress the tapered bushing and hold tightly on the crankshaft so I had to locktite the bushing to the crankshaft before I seated the flywheel on taper. I evendently made the bushing too...
  9. N

    Overhead Cam Project

    Ready to run just as soon as I get the timing belt. I ordered a belt that was out of stock and had to reorder the same belt with a different composition. As you can tell I don't do much for displaying my engines, I have more fun making chips than sawdust. I have it setup for a bubble...
  10. N

    Overhead Cam Project

    Getting close. Just have some odds and ends to finish and mount it on some type of base before I give it a spin. Has good compression and didnt fit any rings yet. I must have gotten the cylinger lapped in pretty well. I'll try it without rings first as see how it goes. I have started...
  11. N

    Overhead Cam Project

    How's it look so far? Anybody see my boo-boo? It appears that the intake valve port has a two holes drilled to it? My wife must have been helping.... I did catch the hole drilled at the wrong location before it went thru to the port. Now I have to see if I can use the extra...
  12. N

    Overhead Cam Project

    Thought you might want to see my latest design and build project. It is a hybrid of Jerry Howell's V Twin and Brian Rupnow's Overhead cam engines. It seems I've never had an original thought but I'm pretty good at stealing concepts. I do enjoy designing and building engines as long as I don't...
  13. N

    Phase II 250-107 universal cutoff holder

    Got an e-mail back from Phase II with the part number (250107-9062) for the blade tightening screw on their 250-107 holder and also got the screws I ordered from Shars. Shars screws worked just fine. ready to cut grooves on cylinder again.
  14. N

    Phase II 250-107 universal cutoff holder

    Didn't see your reply in time. I did query Phase II thru their web site and haven't got a response yet. I checked with Shars tools thru their web site since they have a similar tool holder and I assume they are probably all the same. They responded immediately. I ordered 2 of their...
  15. N

    Phase II 250-107 universal cutoff holder

    I think I will probably try to weld a new bolt to the end of the screw and use the socket for a place to stick the turned down end of a bolt or screw. thanks for the suggestion. Its really against my principles to throw away something just cause of a bad screw. Might be a good cottage...
  16. N

    Phase II 250-107 universal cutoff holder

    I am looking to replace the tightening screw in a Phase II universal cutoff blade holder. It has a LH thread at one end and a RH thread at the other with no head on the screw just a socket for an allen wrench. The socket head is wallowed out so I cant tighten the holder for the cutoff blade...
  17. N

    Aluminum Bronze

    Thanks for the info about machining. I haven't had a problem yet which is surprising since I am usually in a hurry. Faster is always better isn't it? Original project I bought the Al bronze for did require silver soldering and I used the flux made for it. Still was a bearcat. Thanks for...
  18. N

    Aluminum Bronze

    I have been using aluminum bronze for rods in the last two engines I have built and have had no problems so far. (they both run fine) Saw a wonderful acronym in an article "UWIH" (use what I have) and took it to heart. I had a bar of Aluminum bronze left from a previous project made a rod with...
  19. N

    Plan drawing programs

    I have been using Fusion 360 from Autodesk free as a hobbiest and it is the best I have found especially for the money(free). I worked as a weld engineer for several years and have used several different cad systems including Anvil, Autocad 2d versions, and ProE to design weld fixtures. Weld...
  20. N

    Modified Ridders engine

    As you can see by my concept drawing of a Howell based OHC single I got the inspiration from seeing one of your designs on the web. Looked like a good concept to simplify an engine as complicated as the Howell V-twin. I built one and it is an exquisite design but the cam gearing pushed my...