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  1. N

    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    Back from Arizona and spending my Social Distancing time in the basement building the Owen Mate from the MOTOR BOYS book. Down to the carburetor. I'm sure I knew at one time but have forgotten. Does the hole in the spraybar go up, down, or sideways?
  2. N

    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    Having raced outboard boats with methanol burning 2 cycles in my youth I like 2 cycles. The only problem was I knew how to work on them but didn't really understand how to modify anything to improve performance. That was a black science that I paid handsomely for. My quest for a twingle engine...
  3. N

    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    Bazzer, I understand what you are saying about using a prop vs a flywheel, but isnt engine speed controlled by a throtled carburator. I am lazy and usually use a model airplane carb on my engines. Hogan
  4. N

    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    WOW thanks for the response. You people have made me spend a whole day searching for the perfect project. I kind of decided on the craftsman after seeing the pictures posted by XD351. I found the plans (I think) on an Austrailian web site E and J Winter and have emailed them. Thanks for all...
  5. N

    2 cycle rotary valve engine

    I have built several 4 cycle engines and would like to learn about 2 cycle design concepts. I have also looked at an article on a split single 2 cycle and understand the concepts but don't know 2 cycle design well enough to think about designing one. Port timing is evidently just short of...
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    Twingle engine

    Mago, The engines you and your friend have built are way out of my league. I am not quite that good of craftsman yet and don't really understand the design concepts of a 2 cycle (port design). I think I will work on designing a twingle as my career ending project. as a model engineer. ( till...
  7. N

    Twingle engine

    My goodness what google can find. It is teather boat and rc boat racing. Looks like the real thing I used to do but at 1/10th scale. It is a UK sport and it looks like a bunch of kooks like model engine builders. Now I am encouraged to find a model engine plan.
  8. N

    Twingle engine

    Sounds like there were several motorcycle engines that used this principle. Who am I to judge? Sounds like a neat build though. I did find an article by R.E. Mitchell with a title " A Split Single Two Stroke Engine" with a sub title of "An effecient unit for propelling a class C...
  9. N

    Twingle engine

    I am looking for a new model to start building and in my search for plans I came across an engine called a "Twingle" which is evidently a split single design. Does anybody have plans for a split single engine or have one that is running. I would like to know more about them and would love to...
  10. N

    Cam milling calculator

    Thanks, I got it Much easier than working it out on a cad program which I did out of desperation. Thanks Hogan
  11. N

    Cam milling calculator

    The link for the excel spreadsheet version is gone. Has no luck with it. But thanks for the try I wonder if its my computer Thanks Hogan
  12. N

    Cam milling calculator

    I am thinking of starting the build for a Howell V-4 and thought I would try a couple of the hard pieces to see if I can do it. I am trying to make the cams on a mill and need the Cam Calc program the motor boys put out several years ago. I got to the site and found the calculator but I cant...
  13. N

    Variation on a Howell V-Twin

    It finally runs. As you will notice I was too lazy to build Jerry's carbs so I used model airplane carbs to make it easier to debug it for start up. I havent put a video on for years so I hope this works.
  14. N

    Overhead Cam Project

    By the way, in my spare time I designed a new flywheel to help balance this thing. It was so out of balance it would shake everthing off the workbench when it was running. It is now better but not perfect. Balanced Flywheel Drawing v2.pdf
  15. N

    Variation on a Howell V-Twin

    Well, I finally have it running. I am finding that its hard to get things done in the shop in the summer. Too many other projects in the yard and I have fishing and golf to get done too. I had a "little" problem while I was getting it running. I had made a two piece Crankshaft since at the...
  16. N

    Rotary valve leakage

    Dont worry about a lost year. The one I described took at least a year to get running since I only work on them in the winter. My latest design and build has been going on for two years but I leave in the winter for AZ. and only work on it when the weather is crappy in Iowa in the spring summer...
  17. N

    Rotary valve leakage

    One of my first design and builds was an opposed piston design with both pistons sharing the same cylinder and creating a single combustion chamber with a single spark plug. 'The original plan was to use cogged timing belts to eliminate gears. I tried to use a rotary intake and exhaust valve...
  18. N

    Variation on a Howell V-Twin

    I have been back from Arizona about a month and have finished the work on the OHC V-Twin. I only have to check it over to make sure the bottom plate is sealed put oil in it and give it a try. I am currently an expectant new father waiting to give birtth to my first kidney stone. It hurts to...
  19. N

    Looking for Ron colonna offy plans

    Been out of touch with HMEM for a while, But I would like to have a copy of Ron's plans also. I did email him last fall and the response was that they are no longer available. I left it at that since I was going to be away from my shop for the winter. Let me know if you have a set to sell.
  20. N

    Help identifying an engine

    I would love to have the drawings and article. Let me know what the costs are to send them and I will gladly pay to get them. This will make a great project when I get home. I have build about 8 model engines so far but have never built an airplane engine. I got it from a tether car...