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  1. steamin

    American LaFrance Steam Fire Pumper

    Well, the first picture shows what the coal bunker turned into. The coal bunker was just not coming together as I had pictured in my mind and I was not happy with it. :'( I tried to adjust this and that and it went from bad to worse. :( So it is now in the scrap bin. It was a great exercise and...
  2. steamin

    ET Westbury Side Paddle Engine

    That is one beautiful model. Thanks for sharing the video. I have seen soooooo many neat engines here on HMEM. I just wish there were enough hours in a lifetime to build them all. So I take pleasure in watching a model maker such as yourself bring an engine to life. Awesome job, Larry
  3. steamin


    Greetings metalmad, The engine is looking great ! Sorry about the misfire with the exhaust cage, but do not be discouraged. As long as you have learned something, the time has been well spent. Some machinist have told me, "well Larry, you can not do that way". I would go ahead and do it anyway...
  4. steamin

    American LaFrance Steam Fire Pumper

    Gentlemen, thank you very much for your kind comments. A little more work has been done on the coal bunker for the LaFrance. The outside pieces are butt joints with a strap on the inside. 0.062" diameter copper rivets have been used to hold the pieces together. Picture #1 gives you a flavor of...
  5. steamin

    This winter's project. A transmission for the 302 engine

    George, I know this has been said over and over again, but your workmanship is truly a pleasure to see. Thank you for sharing your talent and skills with all of us. Larry
  6. steamin

    Elmer's #29 - Mine Engine

    I totally agree with Phil. Great running and looking engine. Well done ;D
  7. steamin


    metalmad, looking good thus far. That is a very interesting engine with lots of opportunities to put your personal touches to it. By the way, you might want to take a little more out of the bore of the cylinder sleeve. 0.010" is quite a bit to hone out. I use to do a lot of honing and 0.001" to...
  8. steamin

    American LaFrance Steam Fire Pumper

    I got the clamps from MSC (Manhattan Supply Company). They are called "Kant Twist". You can google MSC and order from their online catalog.
  9. steamin

    1/12 scale Westinghouse traction engine - more or less

    Yeh Allen, glad to see that you found your boiler. That is going to be some kind of working marvel for sure. Thanks for posting.
  10. steamin

    Kozo A3 in 1.5" scale

    Thank you for sharing. It reminds me of when My daughter use to play in my home shop. After many years I have her back only this time she has a corner with her art supplies to do her free lance graphic arts designs. Isn't Kozo outstanding ?
  11. steamin

    American LaFrance Steam Fire Pumper

    With the successful hydro on the boiler of 200 psig plus a little, I can now move to other areas of the build. I had a chance to do some head scratching this weekend about the coal bunker. The attached pictures show the beginnings. I am trying to work up a steel panels with copper rivets...
  12. steamin

    Boiler Build For American LaFrance Engine

    The good Lord is willing and the tornados don't blow everything away, I will be glad to post some video.
  13. steamin

    Boiler Build For American LaFrance Engine

    You mean I have it upside down ??? If I do, I sure have a lot of rework to do ::) Jason, I started to laugh out loud when I read your last comment. My wife was sitting next me and had to ask what was so funny. I read your comment to her and she said you must have gotten your sense of humor from...
  14. steamin

    Boiler Build For American LaFrance Engine

    A couple of days ago I finished putting in all the flue tubes. The holes were plugged and a small amount of air was applied to the boiler. There was a lot of blow by on the flue tubes. I rerolled the obvious ones. Then I applied soapy water to the tubes and tube sheets. You could see little tiny...
  15. steamin

    Sticky Sap Sawmill - 1/3 Scale CASE 65

    Bull Gears - Part #2 Once the sides of the gear blank were machined to size, the gear blank was clamped to the table of a Bridgeport milling machine. The original dowel pin hole was used to find the center of the gear blank and the digital readout (DRO) was zeroed for both axis. Using x-y...
  16. steamin

    Boiler Build For American LaFrance Engine

    Jasonb, I never realized nor have I ever heard of that safety issue. Thank you for bringing that to my/our attention. I must say you are a wealth of information. Thank you for sharing.
  17. steamin

    Boiler Build For American LaFrance Engine

    Well, I reached a major mile stone with the boiler tonight. All the flue tubes are in, the holes were plugged and compressed air applied to the boiler for an initial check. I had a lot of blow by on the flue tubes; mainly because I did not know how much to crank the tube roller. Well, I do now...
  18. steamin

    6 Inch Shaper

    Awesome Job airbus. That will be a great addition to your shop.
  19. steamin

    Boiler Build For American LaFrance Engine

    Hi Giovanni, Yes, you are probably exactally right with your assessment. I chose this particular method of construction because of my lack of equipment to silver solder an assembly as large as I have. My boiler is 5.5" OD x 11.75" tall. The fire box is 4.2" ID x 5.0" tall. Much bigger than I...
  20. steamin

    Sticky Sap Sawmill - 1/3 Scale CASE 65

    Bull Gears - Part #1 The bull gears were the next big things that I tackled. I knew that this would be a very time consuming machining operation and that once set up could basically run on its own while I worked on other component parts for the Tractor. The bull gears have a 16” pitch...