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  1. K


    Taken an air motor apart lately? And from one of our favorite irreverent personalities. I needed a small pump one day and didn't want to go to China Bay let alone to the box store. Since I had a surplus of air die grinders around (30 or more, it's a thing here) I took one apart and proceeded...
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    Bore stroke ratio The other option for adding mass to the rotating assembly :-)
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    Lets Talk 6X4 Bandsaws !

    I don't know where I'd be w/o my 6 x 4 . (1/2 by .025-Inch, 10/14 64-1/2-Inch for ref) I don't have any pics atm but I do remember that I also had broken damaged parts throughout. All the guide bearings were "cheese" . So happens that inline skates use the same bearing and there was a skate...
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    For Sale Milling Machine for Sale

    The changes to Fastenal have really hurt anything going east west. Currently not shipping between east and west zones.
  5. K

    WTB Benchmaster/Duro mill

    6" x 14", the table has a longitudinal travel of 8", in traverse of 5" and a vertically 8"
  6. K

    WTB Benchmaster/Duro mill

    I have plans ... photo courtesy of Mike Freeman
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    WTB Benchmaster/Duro mill

    found one!
  8. K

    Let's talk drilling... Not meant as an ad but an endorsement. US made. Quality tools. Quality customer service. I'm very pleased.
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    WTB Benchmaster/Duro mill

    Horizontal, :( , Amir offered me a good deal on that one a couple of weeks ago .
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    WTB Benchmaster/Duro mill

    We all know what they are and how difficult they are to come by. Deep cosmetic repair and even complete rebuild is not beyond my skill set. As long as "most" of the mill is there I'm willing to sweat details like replacing with ball screws, scraping ways, even weld repair. I have no issue with a...
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    Hello From Behind The Redwood Curtain

    ex Loc 204 Renton Wa Greetings Brother
  12. K

    plans for a steam engine for a model of the African Queen

    You got my curiosity going . I'll leave the rest to my Brit and Scotch cousins
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    plans for a steam engine for a model of the African Queen A fair photo or two but I believe the original was a turn of the century Brady. I recall one still in use as a stationary plant in a single shaft machine shop/saw mill in Holy Loch as late as the '70's. Sorry that's all I've got...
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    Model generator build from scratch Now this is even less than an endorsement however I have heard good things about this company. Several custom EV designers have reported great conversations with them. As stated on the site small prototype are...
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    Like when you see one flute cut a bigger chip and take the bit back to the stone ?
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    Morse tape in lathe.

    If you're going to quote Tony you might as well just do it verbatim. My own limited experience with the lathe was motor/pulley alignment. Do get it right. The variable speed mechanism depends on following the installation directions to the letter. If...
  17. K

    Tool post grinder

    @terryd , Thank You! I had forgotten that one. I'll just do this without the face-palm gif :) ...last time on "Dazed and Confused in Front of a Lathe" The sine of 5.75 degrees is .100(18806161) close enough The sine of 30 degrees is .5 (exactly) The sine of 45 degrees is .707(10678118) near...
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    Better Gibs for mini lathe

    I had a conversation with Joel (if that needs an explanation-ask) The result was new cross and compound gibs for my MK II Atlas. The lapping of the gibs was a work out. Remove the lead screws and assemble first the cross and then the compound. Remove the obvious high spots, damage, abuse, and...
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    New to The Amateur Machinists World

    AF7XT I spent most of my working life in mechanical and machine. I have talked to the Little Machine Shop on several occasions also. I appreciate their help with QCTP and other items. I already had years of experience with cutting tools but still learned something from ... it isn't really...
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    TIM 6 ignition Just some information that I acquired over the years. Yes, the "Bug Eyed Earl" avatar is me . If you search "$19 dollar junkyard ignition" You'll run into Brett Riggs and a few others...