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  1. G

    anyone know how to delete account in HMEM?

    I would like to delete my account can’t do private message oh by the way I had a **** this morning
  2. G

    Hi From Australia,

    Millers tooling at loganholme in Brisbane au have a good range of gear cutting tooling. Mini bearings or small parts and bearings are au wide I use there Brisbane outlet have a very good range of gears in stock
  3. G

    Jerry Howell's V-four in 3d printed form

    This is total ******** Howell plans are very good drawings dimensioned it’s American orthographic Took me a while to work this out .I have made the vtwin I can get it to fire won’t run cam gears not so good can I be bothered trying again not likely. I have made the Vicky Stirling engine it...
  4. G

    Hi from Western Australia!!

    First thing to do is take the cover off the gear box and flush it out this will save you a small fortune in replacing all the bearings in your headstock or better still get hare and frobes to do it for you before delivery.
  5. G

    Engine seals

    Try mini bearings Australia there located at coopers plains in Brisbane
  6. G

    Sold Black Widow V8 Sold sorry

    Assume this has sold or is it a fishing expedition
  7. G

    Sold Black Widow V8 Sold sorry

    Interested pm me ship to au at my cost
  8. G

    Wanted I need a part made...

    This article is nonsense can’t understand why the moderators haven’t shut it down
  9. G

    Robs Howell V4

    Millers tooling at loganholme (0738060966) will supply anything in the hare and Forbes catalog at a better price there on line have a vast range of tooling
  10. G

    New member / Identify unknown lathe part

    That would be a left hand oscillation device mainly used in the western area of zigzag land to correct right hand mistakes wonderful bit of gear
  11. G

    Deep Drilling In aluminum block

    How about a gun drill or fabricate a version of Dave Wilks large diameter boring bars look him up on you tube.
  12. G

    Making a one piece crankshaft from 1144 stress proof steel

    When I machined my farm boy crank I buggered up one of the centre’s on the flywheel shaft looked like it was a bin job to correct the offset I bored out the offending item recentred all good and true shaft saved
  13. G

    Ford 300 Inline Six

    Ditto Steve Hucks it’s a bit above my pay grade to reply Terry. An article you wrote on gear manufacture saved me lot of frustration with the Howell v twin your work is much appreciated.
  14. G

    Farm Boy running

    I made a bushing to suit the I’d of the bearing
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    Let's talk cutter grinders

    Dave if you go on to the shars site there is a reasonable explanation of how this type of index head works i am now getting good results on cutters I haven’t bothered with drill sharpening or lathe tools
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    JE Howells Twin V

    The drawing of the engine on the first page shows the correct rotation from the flywheel side anti clockwise number 1 cylinder is on the right.On the back of sheet 44 it showsthe correct set up for your gear train used a degree wheel and a dial indicator directly on the cam to set the valve...
  17. G

    Farm Boy running

    Well done
  18. G

    JE Howells Twin V

    Mine will fire on both but won’t run I think rubbish machining on my cam gears are the problem will I redo them probably not. have a look at how a v twin Ducati fires that should help you
  19. G

    Let's talk cutter grinders

    Dave get a copy of the dekel manual it’s easier to read I sacrificed mild steel off cuts until I got it right i started with the basic centring instruction until I got it right made a mark and use zero as the index
  20. G

    Let's talk cutter grinders

    I paid about $1200 au has a diamond wheel as standard imperial and metric collets but no .125 or 3 mm collet I purchased mine to do small bits instead of forking out$40 plus for end mills so a 3 mm collet would be handy