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  1. T

    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    Thanks for the comments Chuck, much appreciated. I have the plans and have started drawing them in Autocad. By doing that, it oftentimes presents problem areas without physically doing the process on the material. It also allows me to print out 1 to 1 that can be used as templates to check my...
  2. T

    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Photography, still, is one of my hobbies. It is encouraging that folks here are so generous with their help.
  3. T

    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions, Tim. "How easily discouraged are you? " I would say not very...I have been married three times. :)I have built many custom cabinets and furniture so am fully aware of the learning curve and re-doing. I am also bull-headed, stubborn and do not like for...
  4. T

    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    Hello to all, I have been reading and looking since coming across this site by accident and have become fascinated with the model engines and the work folks do with them. I would like to try my hand at building one of these and needless to say, I am a rank beginner. After looking at many...