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  1. T

    Morse tape in lathe.

    Does anyone know what the MT of an old Rockwell 10" lathe is? I have the manual but cannot find the info in it.
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    PMR #3 started.

    Much thanks to all for your comments and especially the pictures as I see my errors now. I thought about redoing the crosshead as per the drawing but I believe the way that I have it now may work and I kind of like the looks of it. I can always redo it if a problem presents itself. I am making a...
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    PMR #3 started.

    Perhaps I did not make my point clearly so will try again...if I followed the dimensions on the drawing correctly, and it is possible that I did not, there is no way the model can work. This image shows the crosshead as per the drawings. The piston rod is at the bottom of the crosshead. The...
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    PMR #3 started.

    My first venture into model machining and I have an issue. What am I missing with the figures for this item?
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    Steel or brass?

    Thanks for the info Brian and for responding. I had the idea of the different materials in the back of my mind but thought there must be a reason that PMR would use brass. BTW, I enjoy your postings, they are quite interesting.
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    Steel or brass?

    In a cast brass cylinder, should one use brass or steel for the valve? Is one better than the other? I have a PMR #3 that I have started on and since this model engine building is new to me I like to make a prototype with on-hand materials. I just made a valve from some old 3911 steel but not...
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    Tap holder from years ago.

    Great idea, it certainly looks stable.
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    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    Well, after changing my mind 14,319 times, I decided on the PMR #3 which came today. It is my first kit so have nothing to compare it with but I am impressed with the quality of the castings. Next comes studying the drawings to decide where to begin, first thought is the base. Thanks to...
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    Anyone care to suggest a value on this rotary table?

    Thanks for the offer dazz but I am keeping my Trump hat.
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    Tap holder from years ago.

    It has been worth every bit of the effort to build. Good luck with your idea.
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    Anyone care to suggest a value on this rotary table?

    Sorry I failed to state that, it is 8". I would like to offer a brand name but cannot find one on it anywhere.
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    Anyone care to suggest a value on this rotary table?

    Please forgive me if this is not the appropriate group for this question. I have a 3-axis rotary table that I plan on listing on Craig’s list or possibly eBay but have no clue what price I should place on it. I would be most grateful if someone would opine as to a fair value of this tool. It is...
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    Tap holder from years ago.

    Thirty to forty some odd years ago when I was doing some basic gunsmithing it became obvious that I could not afford the number of 6-48 taps that I was going through. Someone had posted pictures of this unit that looked to me as it would be of great benefit to me, and that proved to be so. I...
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    Mounting a DRO

    Hello everyone, I am looking for an idea for mounting the Z-axis scale of a DRO on an old Grizzly (g1008) small knee mill. The X and Y were not a problem and I have the Z mounted, just not fond of how it is mounted. I'm wondering if it may be better to go back to the dial indicators that I have...
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    12L14 Uses

    Thanks for the info is good to know that I can remember some things. The c1139 that I have was purchased from a local scrap yard/metals/equipment company in Billings, Montana in the early to mid-seventies. It was a very old company so no telling how long the stock had been in their...
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    12L14 Uses

    Has anyone ever heard of C1139 cold rolled? Back 45 years or so when I was making reloading tools I used what I recall as c1139 but I cannot find any reference to it now. It seems to be very close to 1144. I still have some .75, 1, 1.25 and as I remember it was fairly low in carbon but would...
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    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    Thanks for the suggestion Peter, looks to be a very good book. Unfortunately, I am not willing to spend that kind of money on a book at this time, perhaps later.
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    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    I have looked at some of the casting kits but not for a first project...a concern about making an error. Bar stock is much less expensive than the casting kits, at least the ones that I like. This one is my favorite at this time...
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    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    Thanks for the suggestion Ken, I am in a very preliminary stage and at this point, nothing is set in stone. My original selection is still at the top of the list but that could change.
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    Newby wanting to build an engine.

    A very impressive project!