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  1. Blogwitch

    Imperial R8 Collet sets

    Kpar, Before you go searching out a set of ER collets. I made the same mistake many years ago. I invariably now use metric and imperial spindle collets since then. ER's have a fatal flaw when used on fairly small milling machines, even though mine is a small Bridgy clone, you lose too much...
  2. Blogwitch

    HT Leads

    Hi Neil, In the UK, this is where to get everything you need, from old style fabric leads to the latest silicone type. Also every type on lead to plug mounting is there as well John
  3. Blogwitch

    Very complete CNC mill and Gear hobbing machine

    There is a little story involved with these pieces, so before we start, these are pick up only from my home in Cheshire UK. My very good friend and I wanted to make a CNC milling machine each, not the usual pick up the bits and bolt it together type, but where everything had been thought out...
  4. Blogwitch

    Broken change gear shaft on a grizzly 4003g lathe

    Go to this page and download the parts list. I have no idea what your piece part looks like from the description, yours is just about the same same lathe as mine but different...
  5. Blogwitch

    Elmer's pumping engine #17

    I love the whole range of Elmers engines, and as far as I know, all 52 of them. For all those people wanting to get into making small engines, there is no easier way than making a few of what he had to offer, no need to spend megabucks buying plans and castings, and you will learn a lot more by...
  6. Blogwitch

    Hello all

    Sura, By clamping a pair of matching parallels BEHIND the plate (not where you are going to penetrate the job), that should give it a lot more rigidity. John
  7. Blogwitch

    Thank you and a very merry Christmas

    Thank you so much for your kind words, unfortunately, being alone at Christmas isn't too good, which means I can't be in contact with anyone physically at this time, just me and Gunner to share Christmas lunch with. He's got the turkey, and I am on liquids. As you have wished for me, I do hope...
  8. Blogwitch

    Bob tail caliper

    Rudy, Your little cutoff jobs are in fact retailed around a few places (100mm, 4" ones) for little money, specifically for the sort of work you are doing with it. BUT, if you have an old set with duff main jaws, you can, with a little grinding, easily turn them into a hi res set of 'Jenny'...
  9. Blogwitch

    Thank you and a very merry Christmas

    I would like to thank everyone for getting me this far. Very early this year I was diagnosed with bronchial cancer, where it joined onto the lower part of one of my left lung lobes and I was not expected to get through it more than six months. Due to a very special surgeon, who gave me a chance...
  10. Blogwitch

    Work hardened brass

    Brass not only work hardens, but age hardens itself as well. It is better to leave the softening process until you are about to start work on the item as if you leave it any time, it will need re-softening again anyway. John
  11. Blogwitch

    Equipment advice

    If/when you go to buy a new lathe, compare prices for the same machine from different suppliers.. There is a reason for this, most box shifters have their machines made down to a price, so 50 bucks difference between suppliers can usually mean that the higher priced one is built to a better...
  12. Blogwitch


    Don't hold your breath Frazer, a few more months treatment to go through yet. But once that is over, SWMBO has said I have to go into my workshop ASAP, to get me from under her feet. John
  13. Blogwitch


    I have now been reliably informed that it is only the flywheel that is made from ZL12 zinc aluminium, to allow it to be heavy enough without putting a steel tyre on it, the rest of the castings are made from aluminium, but even so, they are the best I have seen and handled. John
  14. Blogwitch


    Thanks Jason, I have already picked up and replied to the Smokestak post, a really nice build. I had a good look around the Minicasting site, but no sign of the pump castings, it seems to be more geared towards 'toy' steam engines and ancillaries. There is a very small 'full sized' one on...
  15. Blogwitch


    Despite not being up to making anything at this time, I am still looking to the future for when I am capable. I picked up on Utube a very nice looking engine, and found out that it is the well known Myfordboy who produces some very good casting kits plus lots of good videos on Utube...
  16. Blogwitch

    Question of cleaning

    S, I find it is not strong enough to pull out large strings of swarf, for that, I just use a swarf rake (bit of bent up 6mm steel rod with a handle), like this. BTW, those magnetic pickup tools are available in your part of the world John
  17. Blogwitch

    Question of cleaning

    One thing I have found invaluable when eventually I clean my machines, no use for non ferrous, but great for getting those tiny bits of steel out of small crevises is a magnetic pickup. I have two, a 3" diameter for getting stuff off the floor and a 1" one for on the machine. Easily made but...
  18. Blogwitch

    bad 4 jaw

    Sid, If it is new and has not been forced, then it isn't fit for use, so you should be able to get your money back or a replacement. Maybe you will have to raise an issue through Ebay. I have a chuck by the same maker (6 jaw self centering) and it seems to be very accurate and well made, but...
  19. Blogwitch

    Stuart Twin Victoria from scratch

    That may be your problem Jack, getting your furnace up to a temperature that will melt cast iron. John
  20. Blogwitch

    Stuart Twin Victoria from scratch

    Jack, Have you thought about casting in bronze and Aluminium instead of cast iron? Using bronze should give you castings that are easier to machine but still plenty good enough for cylinders and standards etc. John