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  1. Blogwitch

    Engine runs on air but not steam

    When feeding hot steam/water to an engine, you also require the correct grade of steam oil that should be fed in with it as well, usually by means of a seperate displacement lubricator in the steam line. If you don't use any, friction may soon stop things dead or prevent it from running. John
  2. Blogwitch

    Webster fuel

    I would suggest you all look at the FAME website, now not being used as it gives lots of information in the tips and links page that are frequent questions on here. They are given by very qualified model engine builders who have tried and tested almost everything with regards to finishing off...
  3. Blogwitch

    New 6" horz/vert Rotary table

    Very nice buy Bob. I have spent a lot of money over the last couple of years by buying out of the far east, mainly from Alibaba or Bang Good. especially on tipped tools, and I reckon I have saved at least 50% by doing it that way, and they are usually the same items you get from internal...
  4. Blogwitch

    Brass Ball drill & Tap fixture

    Very nice, but a bit OTT for what needs to be done. I drill softened ball bearings by just holding them in either a 3 or 4 jaw self centring chuck, but for tricky bits like glass balls, I tend to use my collet chuck, a better control of pressure on the part. John
  5. Blogwitch

    Updates HV6 charts

    A few months ago I think someone asked about the correction charts for the Vertex HV6 rotary tables when working with the dividing disks because as supplied with the RT when new, they were wrong. It is only now that I have found out the updated ones were wrong as well. The set I have attached...
  6. Blogwitch

    Webster fuel

    Hi Rolland, From one of the masters of small engines, Bob Shores, who used to use standard pump gas with WD40 as an additive. 10% WD when running the engine in and thereafter 5%. He said that the engine will stay much cleaner internally and be well lubricated well during their life. The same...
  7. Blogwitch

    Horizontal mill ID?

    Bb, I have a small bridgy clone and I purchased a few years ago a right angled head that converted the machine into a horizontal. I reckon that the difference in usage has been 99%vertical compared to 1% (maximum) horizontal, and that wasn't caused by the setup times. It just allowed me to do...
  8. Blogwitch

    Hollow piston valve

    Please don't be honoured Anatol, I haven't been very productive for the last five years, but keep your eyes open, after just getting through the worst year of my life, I am hoping to be emerging again in the not too distant future once I get through all the side effects and my strength back...
  9. Blogwitch

    Hollow piston valve

    I used hollow piston valves on my 'Paddleducks' engine. Plans and instructions can be downloaded for free from here. John
  10. Blogwitch

    Senft "Poppin" engine

    Frazer, The only ever water cooled one I have come across is the large Gert Litty # VST 45, which as far as I can remember I sent you the plans for a while back. Brian, The fuel that I used for flamelickers was the same as the one Cogsy uses, it burns with a clear light blue flame. I also...
  11. Blogwitch

    Pendulum 2-stroke engine

    Another of your ingenious engines Jan. Where do you get all your ideas from? John
  12. Blogwitch

    looking for globe valve plans

    I don't know where this came from but it is sitting in my archive waiting to help someone. The last couple of pictures, if you click on them, you can rotate them about so you understand it a little better. I suppose you can alter the measurements to suit your pipework. John
  13. Blogwitch

    CNC x2 Mill

    It looks like you are taking the route most other people do for the Z axis. I don't know if you realise that you are taking a large risk. Because the stepper is only on one side of the head, that will try to cant over the head as it moves up and down, also called crabbing, which will...
  14. Blogwitch

    Simple Air/Steam engine design

    Al, There are a few more engines that are just as easy and quick to make than these, what I call 'poppet' engines. This other type rely on using the crankshaft to control the inlet/exhaust. David Kerzel to the rescue again with the first of his 'Tube engines'. These types of engines should...
  15. Blogwitch

    Motor Wiring - Help

    Hi Bill, I had reversing on my Atlas 10F, but I did it when I remotored the lathe with a 4 pole 1/2 HP motor, so I don't know if it will work with the original motor. One thing you must look out for when stopping from reverse. If going fairly fast, the chuck can unscrew and chase you around...
  16. Blogwitch

    Simple Air/Steam engine design

    Al, I have now found his plans in my archive after a good hours search. DK went on to produce many cheapo and easy to make engines, even a 5 cylinder rotary made mainly from hobby shop brass tubing and of course his lovely little hit & miss engine. If you need any more to be going on with...
  17. Blogwitch

    Simple Air/Steam engine design

    David Kerzel from Florida AME society was the one who was making this type of engine a few years back. I have attached one of his plans from the site, and I am sure I have a few more of his in my archive John
  18. Blogwitch

    Cutting 316 Stainless Steel

    I have the same one as Jayville but under a different name. They are a little pricey compared to the normal workshop bandsaws on stand and wheels, but it really does cut everything and very compact as well. It came with two blades and I am still on the first after cutting everything I had to...
  19. Blogwitch

    MTP Taps & Dies

    I use Tap & Die almost exclusively, and have done for many years. Their HQS are carbon, but of fantastic quality, especially when cutting stainless, ground to razor sharpness and on perfect size, I have yet to have one break or go blunt in the dozen or so sets I have. OK, they are rather...
  20. Blogwitch

    Brian does Ridders flame eater

    Look where this wick sits, it almost covers the inlet hole. Forget about moving the reservoir about, get a bit of thin rod and move just the wick into position over the hole. Eventually you will find the sweet spot and it will start to kick. You do need to warm the cylinder up first, I gave...