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  1. Ryker Carruthers

    Spindle speeds for different metals

    thanks everybody, tin, where could i get the "Army machine tool manual TC 9-524" book? through the internet? I will keep an eye out for the machieneries hand book, thanks, Ryker
  2. Ryker Carruthers

    Help with pattern making

    not too well :-\ I cant do rapid prototyping because I dont Have a way of using CAD, I have been on the friends models web page and I looked through it again to be shure. The drivers there are too small and not enough spokes and he doesnt have any pilot wheels of this scale. I might just have to...
  3. Ryker Carruthers

    Spindle speeds for different metals

    Since we got our lathe into the new machine shop I have been playing with feed rates and spindle speeds in our 12" atlas lathe, what spindle speeds do some of you use for different materials? like stressproof steel, brass and bronze and cast iron? the lathe should be running slower when parting...
  4. Ryker Carruthers

    Help with pattern making

    Thanks for the replys, I will look into that Thanks, Ryker Carruthers
  5. Ryker Carruthers

    Help with pattern making

    I am hoping to have one made, I havent seen one that looks close enough to bo used
  6. Ryker Carruthers

    Help with pattern making

    I am in need of a pattern to be made for a 1 1/2'' scale locomotive, I would rather not do this my self. It will be going onto an allen models mogul. The finished casting will need to be 8'' in diameter not counting the flange. here is a link to the prototype picture...
  7. Ryker Carruthers

    Hello from Iowa

    one last photo of the 65
  8. Ryker Carruthers

    Hello from Iowa

  9. Ryker Carruthers

    Hello from Iowa

    Hellow all, I am new to this site but have looked around and like to see all the projects going on and completed. My name is Ryker Carruthers, I'm from a small town in south west iowa. I'm a freshman in high school and I have a love for machining, we have a 12" craftsman atlas lathe, a 16" south...
  10. Ryker Carruthers

    1/2 and 1/4 scale 65 hp case steam engines

    Thanks dsquire and Herbiev, Currently I am trying to find materials for a 1/3 scale advance rumely like my grandfather wanted to do. I am just looking around for scraps that may work for this and that. We also have 3 live steam locomotives to build ahead of that though. A few of our friends...
  11. Ryker Carruthers

    1/2 and 1/4 scale 65 hp case steam engines

    these are a little bigger than the model I see on here but are model engines,
  12. Ryker Carruthers

    1" traction engine governor

    Thanks George, I am really happy with the governor, I got it on dads stuart s-50 for now. Need to determine the pully size and then machine it. Thanks for your help, Ryker Carruthers