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  1. Ryker Carruthers

    Boring Chromed Aluminum Cylinders

    Thanks! I think I will buy a sleeve from mcmaster carr and do the porting myself. Thanks again, Ryker Carruthers
  2. Ryker Carruthers

    Boring Chromed Aluminum Cylinders

    I see what you mean now, no the pistons arent stuck or seized. The ones I got on ebay were bored out and had cast iron liners pressed in. Not chromed after that just left as cast. I just need to know how I can take that chrome layer out on my old ones without ruining a few boring bars... When...
  3. Ryker Carruthers

    Boring Chromed Aluminum Cylinders

    That will disolve the chrome or the aluminum? Thanks
  4. Ryker Carruthers

    Boring Chromed Aluminum Cylinders

    Its not exactly "modeling" but it does involve machining and you guys are some of the smartest I could think of so here goes; December 27th I purchased a 1980 john deere 440 trailfire snowmobile, rough shape but nothing I couldnt fix. The last time it ran it burned both pistons and scored the...
  5. Ryker Carruthers

    Threshing machine plans

    These plans are 1/4 scale, model of a rumely "Ideal" thresher. Good machine in its time. Somewhere I think you may get coppies of a full size case threshing machine that you could scale down. Case made probably the best threshing machines of the time. The key thing is when you scale one down...
  6. Ryker Carruthers

    Home mad boliers

    I have seen boilers for model traction engines that WERE code welded etc. I also have a friend that made a non code boiler for their model and honestly I trust that boiler very much more than the code one. It does scare me to see some of the weld beads on code boilers because many I know I could...
  7. Ryker Carruthers

    Steam loco project

    Any updates?
  8. Ryker Carruthers

    Midwest old threshers Mt. Pleasant, IA

    Is anybody on this forum planning to attend the midwest old threshers show aug 30- sept 3? we will be there with our half and quarter scale case traction engines and may also be running the big sawmill. more info at Ryker Carruthers
  9. Ryker Carruthers

    Post office rant

    Dad had a similar thing happen a few years ago, he ordered $400 worth of ASME soft plugs for our 1/2 scale and 1/4 scale engines and they never came he went in multiple times to see if they got there and no luck. he also had an order to a plumbing supply warehouse and he puchased a few valves...
  10. Ryker Carruthers

    Running in a steam engine

    How much clearance would you think an oil film needs? I recall hearing that some of the original steam traction engineers would wrap the shaft with paper before pouring the babbit but I would think the paper would burn and that be too much of a clearance but hey what do I know. When they pour...
  11. Ryker Carruthers

    Running in a steam engine

    :big: Thats why most of the big engines you see have quiet gears. It does get annoying having loud grinding gears. Our quarter scale case has almost no sound in the gearing after almost fifty years of a hard running... Grandpa didnt make it to just be looked at :big: I have to make a new wrist...
  12. Ryker Carruthers

    Running in a steam engine

    That is exactly what it did to our gears, i'm shure all of the grinding compound is gone because if it wasnt there would be scratch marks on the surface, correct? We use a hotsy to steam clean it once a year I would think that would clean it out for how much crap gets blown out that we didnt...
  13. Ryker Carruthers

    silver soldering Gerry's beam engine crankshaft

    I use a plain acetylene torch for steel brazing and all other brazing. My favorite steel brazing rod is older than I am :big:
  14. Ryker Carruthers

    Running in a steam engine

    If you are building an engine like a 1/2 scale or 1/4 scale traction engine you should be worried if it isnt tight the first 6 or so runs, it may be real easy to turn over by hand but that just means when all the bearings get seated and wore in a little it will pound and knock like no other...
  15. Ryker Carruthers

    Is It Hot There?

    The only nice thing about working in a plumbing and heating shop is the nice cool crawl spaces and basements when its 100 degrees plus out. The plumbing shop was built in 1913 so no central air. Up stairs gets extreamly hot even with a window a/c blowing directly on you. In our machine shop it...
  16. Ryker Carruthers

    Steam loco project

    Alex, Allen models of michigan has castings for a 0-4-2, they call it a chloe, it is a 2 1/2" narrow guage loco that is like many plantation engines were. the complete set of castings is $1605
  17. Ryker Carruthers

    Show us and tell us the stories of your garden equipment

    Rick, I have the same trimmer and cultivator and hedge trimmer. the headge trimmer is kind of scarry at full throttle and it shakes the living crap out of your arm but I havent found a bush it wont cut yet :big:
  18. Ryker Carruthers

    my messy workshop

    When My grandpa started his 1/4 scale case traction engine he had the part of the basement as his shop, I belive about a 10x 20 room. then a few years after the engine was done he had to go down to a 7x 8 room and was like that for 30 years and he has since passed, then in 2006 my dad had a...
  19. Ryker Carruthers

    Hello from Italy!

    welcome Martin, I have found this forum to be one of the best if not the best of its kind. Hope to see some pictures of your engines soon, Ryker Carruthers
  20. Ryker Carruthers

    Spindle speeds for different metals

    I havent had to part anything yet, just hacksaw and then face off, If i do have to part I will use the 16'' south bend