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  1. M

    A Table Engine Tale

    Glad to hear Ramon will be good as new. Tell him we will be making chips for him in his absence. Alan
  2. M

    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    It's almost done. Just need to make the base for the rotary table and give it an industrial coating of some sort. (black oxide, parkerizing, hot blue) Suggestions? I don't know how much I trust this Lufkin dial indicator or the way I mounted it, but it reads less than .001". I would like to...
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    January Project of the Month

    Every day I visit this site I find another awesome project... and another... and another... Are you gonna build a Corvette to put this in so GI Joe can go pick up Barbie for a night on the town? Seriously. Great job. Alan
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    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    The spindle thread is completed. I had a lot of trouble at first with the work moving around in the chuck. I really need to grind those jaws. Three times with a dial indicator to true it back up. I finally glued the piece to the chuck. Needless to say it was all buggered up trying to correct the...
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    Six Shooter Elbow Engine

    There was never a doubt in my mind. Looking forward to the finished product. I am starting to get how this contraption works. Are both cylinders under power or just the vertical one? Alan
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    Elmer's Fancy II

    Engine looks great. I feel your pain with the 6-32 taps. I've broken so many of them I will never use that size again. Alan
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    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    Hiya John, I have always let the minor diameter take care of itself. I included the spec for the minor diameter to give me an idea of how deep to cut the run off groove. since this is to be my first metric thread, I posted the question to make sure my comversion to imperial was correct and...
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    Six Shooter Elbow Engine

    I like your "never say die" attitude. Undoubtedly this will be the Elbow engine that everyone will be trying to top.
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    Craftsman/Atlas 618 Reverse

    John, I don't want you to think that I was criticizing in any way, shape, or form. I figured it was a tight tolerance and was curious. I respect your work and thank you for the tips you have graciously shared with us. Alan
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    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    The bushings are installed and the collets have arrived along with a R8 chuck. A few measurements gave me what I need ofr the drawing. The only concern I have is with the measurements for the major and minor diameters on the M40-1.5 thread. I went with the maximum dimensions that I found on the...
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    Craftsman/Atlas 618 Reverse

    John, I have read bits about the retractable tool posts and thought to myself, "I can cut threads. Can it really be done easier?" You have proved it to me with your swing-up tool post. It is well thought out, easy to make, and simple to use. I do have one small question. Your video shows...
  12. M

    Craftsman/Atlas 618 Reverse

    It's done. A $6 DPDT on/on toggle did the trick. Robin, You are mostly correct. This single phase 1/2Hp motor with capacitor start can be reversed while running if the speed is brought down low enough for the centrifugal starting mechanism to activate. At this point the motor is nearly...
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    Craftsman/Atlas 618 Reverse

    It looks like I am needing to cut some metric threads and will be required to run the lathe in reverse to return the carriage to the start position. The motor is a GE 1/2Hp 1725rpm with capacitor start. Under the cover plate shows the wiring for reverse rotation. So far so good. Looking at my...
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    A Table Engine Tale

    Here I am. Late for the party as usual. I am learning that this hobby is all about work holding and you have demonstrated some fine techniques. Gods speed with your recovery. Alan
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    Elmer's Fancy II

    Very nice work. I like how you added a personal touch to your column. I used a router bit to round off the cylinder when on my Fancy II. Alan
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    Six Shooter Elbow Engine

    I'll say it again... WOW! I really like how you think outside the box with your tooling. I must have hundreds of those Stanley parting tools.
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    Mystery collet block

    This might sound like a dumb question. Did you try a MT2 collet in it? Alan
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    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    While I am waiting on delivery of the spindle bushings from Clausing I have decided to make the collet chuck myself. After all... I do have the tools, skills, and plenty of information on this board to give me confidence. The plan will be to emulate Deanofid's ER25 chuck with the exception...
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    Mill power feed project...

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The beautiful part is not having to crank the handle by hand. Have you tried running it at 48v yet? Alan
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    Simple ?? Engines and not so simple

    Geoff. Very cool machines.