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  1. M

    Elmer’s Open Column Twin

    Jack, Glad to hear that you #44 runs as good as it looks. I myself have been pondering on my next engine. With three wobbler's under my belt it is time to up the bar a bit. This one looks like the winner. Alan
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    Cam for Elmer's open column twin

    Yep. I am missing some pages to #13. Luckily JohnTom still has them for download.
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    Turning a Small Diameter

    Tels tool looks like it could clamped in the DP vice and the work turned in the DP's chuck. I nice option for someone with a tight equipment budget. Tel, I gotta know. Is that a wheel keeper you are using for a tool post? Alan
  4. M

    Video Shop Tour

    Very nice shop Chuck. You do a great job of using what space you have to the best advantage. You didn't show us your "fourth dimension portal". Alan btw: Congratulations on being the recipient of the coveted Project Of The Month award.
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    Cam for Elmer's open column twin

    Stan, This post caught my eye because I've been thinking of building #44. Either I am thinking of the wrong engine or I'm missing some pages. Which Open Column Twin are we talking about? (13 or 44) Alan
  6. M

    Polish 4 Stroke

    Andrew, I have been engrossed reading this thread and it has kept me up past my bed time. While I can't say I comprehend a lot of the theories you present here, I do see some similarities in engines of the past. Your Half Rotary Engine is reminiscent of engines built by the Kimble Engine...
  7. M

    Found Space in my workshop!

    Looks good Chuck, Did you use any thing for vibration absorption? I keep my laptop on the bench and one day when I was pounding on something in the vise (forgot what) The vibrations took out the CFL light in the screen. Ouch. Three attempts at replacing the CFL and I bought a screen off ebay...
  8. M

    Show Us Your Lathe

    Dieter, Three words... Nice, Nice, and Really Nice. (OK four words) Nice Lathe Nice Tool Post Really Nice Work Station
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    Found This

    Aweome in any language.
  10. M

    Show Us Your Lathe

    This is the lathe police... According to local codes, you have over-reached your allotment of machinery. To avoid prosecution you can forfit the LeBlonde Regal 10 and we'll call it good. That LeBlond is one sexy machine. LeBlond Regal 10
  11. M

    flattening it OLD SKOOL

    No stationary power equipment? Man has used rocks and sticks before he invented machine tools. Before I had machine tools I used hacksaws, files, chisels, grinders, sand paper, hand drills, etc... Wasn't making models but... Now that gives me an idea. Alan
  12. M

    Decisions, Decisions...

    Chuck, Any one of those builds would be awe inspiring to me. I do not yet possess the skills, patience, or insanity to attempt such an endeavor. I will however drool profusely shortting out a couple of keyboards watching your progress. Alan
  13. M

    Decisions, Decisions...

    Start a new and exciting project. Once you are well into it you will find that you will have to do the maintenance on one or more pieces of equipment that you are putting off. ;D
  14. M

    Decisions, Decisions...

    A week! A week! You trying to drive this man crazier than he already is?
  15. M

    Inside-Out steam engine - Finished

    I Like It!!! That's what I call backwards engineering. (sort of) I am still at the stage of building others plans... Do you guys lay awake at night dreaming of these engine designs? I hope I do someday. :) Alan
  16. M

    Geared finger engine

    Very nice Dave. Was it difficult locating the shaft centers so the gears meshed properly?
  17. M

    Elmer's Wobbler Finished

    He did a great job. It's a proud moment when you are able to pass on your skills and knowledge to him. I hope to do the same with my grandson. My son doesn't know which end of the hammer to turn a screw with.
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    A Table Engine Tale

    Ramon, You're a lucky man to have Nurse Catheter by your side. You mind her and get your rest. There is plenty of time to get back in the play room after you have healed. Alan
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    February Project of the Month

    That's a tough looking machine. And thanks for the bit of history to go along with it. Alan
  20. M

    ER collet chuck for Craftsman 6" lathe

    Arnold, Thanks. I will remember the aluminum can trick. It never dawned on me that aluminum could have any friction qualities for holding work. Andrew, Thank you. I stare at it like a curvy woman posing for holy pictures. Mosey, I almost went your route and it would have been just fine...