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  1. M

    Brian's Donkey Engine

    Looking and running good Brian. There is definitely a method to your madness. Just tell the garden gnomes that if they don't like it they can go back to using snails and a block & tackle. Alan
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    Taking a break from the machine shop... Tree House? Is This a Treehouse?

    Very nice Gramps, I'm sure they will get lots of enjoyment out of their new club house. I used to live in a village where they would not allow any out buildings, fences, gazebos, etc... They claimed since the creek ran through my property it was a hazard due to possible flooding and it was...
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    New Ebay Bucks Terms & Conditions

    I have just received the new Terms & Conditions for the Ebay Bucks Reward Plan. In short, it states that as of April 1, 2012 purchases from the Business & Industrial category will no longer be eligible to earn Ebay Bucks. Ebay isn't always the best place for tools and materials, but there are...
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    Brian's Donkey Engine

    Take a break and regroup Brian. The meticulous work you are doing on this build has to very taxing on the mind. Sometimes I look forward to mowing the lawn. The droning of the engine seems to block out the worlds troubles and distractions. Occasionally, I will come up with the answer to...
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    What Some People Have In Their Basements

    One of several things would happen if I tried home brewing. a) I would blow the place up b) Poison someone c) Never leave the basement because I could not climb the staircase d) All the above
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    Engine turning experiment

    You are correct John. Personal opinions aside... Not only does jeweling aid in retaining lubricant but it does add to the appearance. One of the reasons I am involved in this hobby is to improve my machining skills which will in turn help me to improve the accuracy of my "despised items" for...
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    Engine turning experiment

    I have also heard it called jeweling. I would think that a stiff wire brush could be used on softer metals like aluminum. Alan
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    In line twin

    Sweet engine Dave, You guys keep coming up with new ideas and it's distracting me from picking my next engine to build. Alan
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    Dave's twin

    Dave, I don't know how I missed seeing this build til now. Totally awsome. Alan
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    Brian's Donkey Engine

    Brian, I have been following your build since the beginning and I am at a loss for words. I hope that some day my skills would come somewhere close to the exacting work that you are doing. Any thoughts as to how much horse power (or watts) your engine puts out? Alan
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    Video Shop Tour

    Wow Ron, When you first stated the shop was on the second floor I gasped. You have a lot of tonnage up there, mister. All you need now is a cot and a toilet. Alan
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    Space Saving Idea

    Nice mod Ken, I am constantly amazed at some of the inovative solutions people use to set up their shops. Alan
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    Screw & bolt cutter-offer thingy.

    Great Idea Dickeybird, The fulcrum looks precise and sturdy. I may have to rethink the lever for my portable bandsaw. rleete idea is good, altough you would need more blocks (fine, coarse, metric, etc...) and the theads would get sloppy after awhile. I am sure you already thought of this. My...
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    Mudding Drywall

    Grrrrr! I hate mudding sheetrock. Like Brian, I can do it, but it takes days. I farm the mudding out now. The client is happy and I get a cut of his fee.
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    Dave Goodfellow Scotch Yoke 2 cylinder

    Good runner Jim. I am always hypnotized watching the moving parts. Alan
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    Moving sale find

    Dave, What I think you are asking is... "does the pin that mates the index gear (that's what I call it) to the spindle pulley have a detent?" Yes it does. There are two holes in the index gear. One to lock the gear to the spindle and one for the detent. On my machine, the grub screw that...
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    Moving sale find

    I have the bushing head model of that lathe. I sometimes think that I would like a larger lathe, but the Caftsman/Atlas 618 has always been able to do what I've asked of it. Enjoy. Alan
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    PMR BLR2 build pics and observations

    Sweet Nickademus. It just looks so right with steam coming out the exhaust. Alan
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    A Table Engine Tale

    Welcome back Ramon, Glad that you took your time healing from your procedure. NOW GET BACK TO WORK! ;D
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    Video Shop Tour

    Found it. This photo is of the south wall of my 30'x20' dungeon lair. Half of which is shared with my girl friends crafting area. Uuuuugh! I am slowly expanding her out though. More to come.