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  1. Z

    Joe Tochtrop Castings 2cyl overhead cam

    I've had requests for both Economy kits. one sold, one on hold pending payment. Last Atkinson is now sold also. . . All of the patterns are awaiting pickup and payment. .
  2. Z

    Joe Tochtrop Castings 2cyl overhead cam

    I have 6 sets of castings for the 2 cylinder [$395] 2 sets for the Economy[$295] and 1 set for the Atkinson [$395] Prices include shipping in USA only There are some individual castings for these but not enough to make a full kit. I have all of Joe's patterns. They are looking for a home...
  3. Z

    WTB 0-1/4 DP chuck, 0JT

    PM sent. I have a nos Jacobs #0 spare Picture attached
  4. Z

    Joe Tochtrop Castings 2cyl overhead cam

    I'm sure many of you remember Joe, who passed away in 2015. . I was able to rescue his model engine castings and patterns after his death. For the past year I've been completing four of his partially built Wall motor and recently started a fifth.. It is Joe's version of the 1930'd Wall...
  5. Z

    Economy Engine Casting Suppliers

    Posting this for anyone searching for information on Joe. He passed away earlier this year [2015]. I was fortunate to have know him briefly and have now rescued all his remaining castings and parts left in his shop. I have about 20 sets of the Economy, 15 sets for the Atkinson, and 20 sets of...