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  1. mcostello

    thread measurements 13/4X8 T.P.I.

    I tried the metric calculator and it took the minor diameter down to 15 places. Hope I can hit that dimension!
  2. mcostello

    Model Engineering in the 21st Century

    This topic may have went off topic but to Me it is very interesting.
  3. mcostello

    Model Engineering in the 21st Century

    I personally know of a company that uses a 300,000 ton stamping press. 5,000 gallon hydraulic reservoir x 3 tanks= 15,000 gallons. 3 stories above ground and 3 stories below ground. What does it use for an operating system? DOS 3.1! Presses out all of a car panels, 2 doors, trunk and hood etc...
  4. mcostello

    What have you been doing today?

    Wonder if soap stone, welders marking chalk would work?
  5. mcostello

    What have you been doing today?

    White-out supposedly works also.
  6. mcostello

    316 Stainless steel cutting

    Stainless steel needs a slower speed and a heavier feed to keep from work hardening the metal ahead of the cutting edge.
  7. mcostello

    Frustrated ? Discouraged ? what a difference a day makes !

    They are usually started with the same size regular drill bit. Now and then We win one.;)
  8. mcostello

    Source for oil lite bushings.

    As a confirmed and unrepentant recycler I thought to pass along this hint. If needing small oil lite bushings maybe looking no further than an old drill motor, electronic appliance, or similar for reusable bushings. Remaching free material is a small price to pay.
  9. mcostello

    my new toy

    When I first starting using My shaper, the clapper box touched a clamping nut that came from My full size milling machine set. A 1/2" typical hardened nut. It was merrily cutting the nut badly but the corner was hardly sharp by any means, but it did not care, nor grunt.
  10. mcostello

    Arduino Rotary Table

    You Guys blew past My pay grade at supersonic speed.
  11. mcostello

    Milling Hexagons

    Level across 2 holes will work.
  12. mcostello

    Milling Hexagons

    With a DRO it would be easy to make a collet block with any number the DRO could figure.
  13. mcostello

    More med stuff

    My Mom worked at a place that made the needles. They grabbed 10 at a time to package them. They held them and tapped them on the table to level them up to put them in the package. They were doing the biggest needles made and the Woman next to My Mom went to tap Them on the table and all 10...
  14. mcostello

    Measuring thread depth without wires - your views, please

    I use a strip of sponge from the dollar store.
  15. mcostello

    More med stuff

    I remember thinking He could kill Her from anywhere with that. It's amazing how to hit a target from that distance.
  16. mcostello

    More med stuff

    The Wife got an epidural shot during birth delivery-around 10"-11" long. If You do not know what that is I won't be describing it here. Look it up. Never knew needles went any near that length.
  17. mcostello

    Valve seat material for B&S lawn mower engine

    I remember seeing a video showing that Stellite was harder at red heat than at room temperature. It was on the internet so it must be true. Also seen that valves only had the valve face treated with Stellite.
  18. mcostello

    Gear cutting question.

    Did not say what PA it was,as it slipped My mind when I posted it. As an interesting note, I looked all over to source a gear with no success. Sunday night I just happened upon a model racing track part company. They stock the gears with a shoulder that easily be removed for $8 apeice. I am busy...
  19. mcostello

    Gear cutting question.

    The original material is pressed power metal. I have all the normal machine shop tools. Full size mill and lathe. Dro's, rotary table, and indexing table. And enough ideas to get something to work. I made this on a metal shaper.
  20. mcostello

    Valve seat material for B&S lawn mower engine

    The way I have seen it in aBriggs and Stratton manual to fix it is to take a flat punch and go all around the seat staking it into place.