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  1. mcostello

    Southbend toolpost, terrible finish

    If One would listen to the "world" a lot of things are supposedly "throwaway" but can be repaired/reused.
  2. mcostello

    Gone as far as I can

    Making chips in the shop cures a lot of ills.
  3. mcostello

    Arthritic old hands strike again

    Sunday work seems to be counter productive, does not mean You cannot plan or sketch things out.
  4. mcostello

    How to determine piston/0-ring size

    There is another style of O ring available that might work, no one has mentioned it, so it might be new territory. It is called an "X" ring. The cross section is an "X";), might be worth exploring.
  5. mcostello

    WW1 Death penny help

    It is amazing how much was thought of this Man's sacrifice that they made a coin for His posterity. It is also amazing how little is made of the today's People's ultimate sacrifice.
  6. mcostello

    Rotary Table Radius Chatter

    Could You go with a smaller end mill and use the correct size to finish?
  7. mcostello

    Rotary Table Radius Chatter

    With a less than rigid setup the carbide end mill may chip. It might be better to get experience with cheaper tools. Are You climb milling or conventional milling? Climb milling sometimes makes a sketchy setup worse.
  8. mcostello

    Steam Engine Gaskets

    Use a Dollar bill????????????? Be still My racing heart.
  9. mcostello

    Milling aluminium alloys

    I use any penetrating oil or light oil aerosol spray that I can find cheaply at yard sales. $1 a can is the right price.
  10. mcostello

    Cheap Roller Bearing Source

    Just as an aside, the cost of a reputable bearing's box is more than 50c. They have their uses also. Have bought My share.
  11. mcostello

    Bench built lathe sand cast

    Maybe that is all the higher He can count!
  12. mcostello

    Slide valve... simple question.

    Have to balance the rod and piston somehow.
  13. mcostello

    Toolmakers clamps

    Worked with Guy that used to work in a slaughter shop. He ate His lunch on a dead cow. I am thankful for many small things and that is one of them.
  14. mcostello

    Power hacksaw

    They are usually used in the rain! :);)
  15. mcostello

    Advice needed : 9 BA stripped hole repair in cast iron (model steam engine)

    Some things are not simple if You have never done them.
  16. mcostello

    Lynx starting woes

    If the plug as tightened against something there might be a shiney spot to look for.
  17. mcostello

    Tap advice

    Bed rails harden almost instantly,the only thing worse I have found was a piece if railroad plate, Carbide would not penetrate,just end up breaking.
  18. mcostello

    Tap advice

    Gee I have been using ordinary black cutting oil for tapping for 30 some years, glad to find out it isn't working. Try a different tap as suggested, maybe different material if necessary.
  19. mcostello

    Electrolysis, and cast iron.

    Wonder what effect heat with a heat lamp would have on removing the Hydrogen?
  20. mcostello

    broken screw

    Try taking a sharp scribe and turning the stump out, might not have been too tight to start.