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  1. trlvn

    Fastener cross reference

    Hi: I'm a newbie to making model machines. Several of us in our club (Hamilton Model Engineers Club, Ontario, Canada) are going to build a David Croft design. In his article, there is a discussion of using fasteners with appropriate size heads, etc, to achieve an authentic look. His design...
  2. trlvn

    Powder paint for model engines

    It sounds like the toaster oven is working as designed. The heating elements will be on until the internal temp hits the target (eg 400F) and then shuts off. In fact, it probably overshoots the target by some amount. When the temp comes down to below some minimum (maybe 380F?), the element...
  3. trlvn

    Powder paint for model engines

    Your oven was used, right? I believe most of them have 4 heating elements: 2 each on top and bottom. Perhaps 1 or more of yours aren't pulling their weight? Should be replaceable... Craig
  4. trlvn

    Hello from Barrie, Ontario.

    Welcome from Oakville, ON. I'm pretty much a lurker here but there are some extraordinarily talented makers that have and are sharing their builds here. Craig
  5. trlvn

    Hello 👋 everyone I'm the newbie

    Welcome from near Toronto, Canada! Craig
  6. trlvn

    Index to Model Engineer, Model Engineering Workshop and Engineering in Miniature

    Awesome! Very fast for a simple search, like "Quorn". Just one thought, is it possible to use https rather than http. AIUI, many browsers are now refusing to open unsecured links by default. Since I'm offering ideas, I'd prefer black text on a white background over the current reversed...
  7. trlvn

    Stuart Number 9 Engine

    Looking good! We'll be cheering from the sidelines! Craig
  8. trlvn

    Plan to build....steam!!

    Pat: Excuse me but I think that you may have failed to get across the point you were trying to make. Reading between the lines, it appears you are trying to argue that welding is a better approach than silver soldering. Your statement, "I think she botched the boiler in this video." is true...
  9. trlvn

    Plan to build....steam!!

    Sorry...what? It seems that quite a lot of people like her channel because she shows her mistakes and how she recovers from them and works past them. With video editing, she didn't have to show any such problems. But she does and I, for one, appreciate it. When I remake a part for the third...
  10. trlvn

    Plan to build....steam!!

    Not sure why you think that. You do know that she pressure-tested the boiler at least a couple of times in the video series to 1.5 times the working pressure. Eg see around the 21:00 minute mark in: The whole build playlist is at: Craig
  11. trlvn

    New member from Vancouver Island

    Welcome! Good to see your here as well!! Craig
  12. trlvn

    Colchester Chipmaster

    Sorry, I don't know enough to even give you a range. I believe, though, that a couple of guys on Canadian Hobby Metalworkers have this lathe: I've read that the same machine was also sold with Harrison badges. HTH, Craig
  13. trlvn

    Just joined. Have inherited an Emcomat 7. Has a few issues so seeking knowledge

    Welcome! Can you post a few pictures of the issues you are trying to resolve? Craig
  14. trlvn

    Modified Atlas QC54 Lathe

    Good stuff. I have an RF-30 with a Shooting Star DRO as well. It is a shame that the company folded on the owner's death. Your 3-knob 'wheels' are pretty cool and I see you use round balls on many such items. If you don't mind, do you have a ball-turning jig that you could share? Also, are...
  15. trlvn

    Looking for hex wrenches with hardened ends

    Just spitballing but is it possible that your current wrenches are made of heat-treated carbon steel and the belt grinder has drawn the temper of the steel such that they are now pretty soft? Like a screwdriver, they may only have been hardened at the tips when new. That would kind of fit with...
  16. trlvn

    Modified Milwaukee portable bandsaw and stand

    Related, Quinn on the Youtube channel Blondihacks did a related modification to a portable bandsaw. She made a larger table that bolts on in place of the existing part. It simply has a flange on the back that can be clamped in her bench vise and it supports the saw in the vertical orientation...
  17. trlvn

    Modified Milwaukee portable bandsaw and stand

    Hi Alan: It never crossed my mind to modify the stand that way--that's brilliant! Could you supply a little more detail on how the quick release feature works? Also, where did you get the foot switch? I'm just a newbie metalworker. My portable bandsaw and stand are an import package that...
  18. trlvn

    Total Eclipse April 8th, 2024 - Arkansas

    Map of the April 8, 2024 eclipse: Looks like my home, just south of Toronto, is on the edge of the total eclipse. I could drive an hour to Niagara Falls to experience it from the centre line. OTOH, we've had so much cloudy, gloomy weather...
  19. trlvn

    New Member Here

    Those are both awesome! For the mill, what kind of work envelope did you aim for? Similar to an RF-45? I take it this is your only milling machine now? Did you use another mill to construct this one? Very cool even though the handle for the Z movement is a bit close to spindle belt for my...
  20. trlvn

    New Member Here

    Welcome! Would love to see pictures of your milling machine and lathe mods! Craig