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  1. D

    How to post a picture.

    By weisss at 2011-02-04 This is an uplode test forgive me if its wrong :-[ EDIT: Corrected an error in the link code. -Wareagle
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    I.C. Piston Rings

    I also learned which i think you know it already :), that the piston doesnt have to be a smooth finish. When i machien a piston i sharpen the tool with a sharp point and increase the automatic feed a bit. This leaves like small groves in the cylinder which reduces surface area thus less friction...
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    Designing an engine

    Yesterday i searched about some racing cam profiles and timing etc. I know Greg that on this forum and on the CAMcal you gave me doesnt regard and consider high performance. But sitt i will try in designing something like it and experiment with different timing and profiles. The link is...
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    I.C. Piston Rings

    Thanks Greg for the info, and yes thats where i saw the piston head holes which i think im going to drill some in my next engine. As for the cam design, i used and tried the cam programm that you ave me on modelenginenews site. To have a high rpm engine does the accelertaion make any...
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    I.C. Piston Rings

    I aslo saw some model engines that have about 5 small holes on the piston head leading to the piston ring. Does anybody ever dont it or have an idea if it works on these moedl engies or it will ruin the compression. I was thinking of drilling 3 or 5 holes with a diameter of 0.8mm. Thanks Drei
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    Designing an engine

    How can i design and machien a cam saft. In the Nemett engine the cam machiening is very easy and has very good results. Is there any programm that gives you the values of the lift and cut. If you somebody has or made the engine knows how is the data sheet. If i determin the lift and duration...
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    beginner wondering about lathes

    I have a Chinese lathe with the milling attachment which i dont relally recommand the mill combimation. In my opinion if you are looking for accuracy you can achieve it with these lathes but as durability you have to take alott of care and caution while machining.. I know youre situation because...
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    Designing an engine

    Thanks Greg and all of you, i have more points to expalin. As for the cooling i was thinking of protruding the two cylinders above the boat deck but cooling isnt a problem because if it get very hot i will machien a water cylinder jacket like the nemett on simple and the only thing you have to...
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    Designing an engine

    I was thinking of powering a model power boat or something like it. I also tought of building a v twin, one of the reasons is taht till now i have only built on cylinder engins and the other reason it would look cool on the boat with certinly alott of torque. Till know i have only built 2 engins...
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    Designing an engine

    Hi, I want to design an engine and i have some questions about bore volume compression ratio etc. I want to built a petrol engine and i also know and able to work some formulas regarding thermodynamics pressures temperatures etc. If you want to design an engine from where do you start, i was...
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    Thin grooves on smal dia shafts

    I have built the lynx engine and i machined the valves stem by reversing then in the collet chuck. Drei
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    nemit ne 15cc sohc engine plans

    Hi, I m very happy that somebody is intereted in my work, if i could uplode some photos of my workshop and prpjects maybe it will be much better for you to know me a bit more :) but at the moment i dont know how to uplode images but ill try my best to succsed ;).You can send it on the page if...
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    Small injector

    the modern diesel common rail operate at about 2000 bar as it was said. This will provide a very fine and atomized fuel to make sure that the injected fuel burns all and has an efficient explosion. the timing and pulsation needed is controlled by the ECU but the injector is opend and closed by...
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    Small injector

    Hi, Have anyone made an injector, like a diesel or petrol injector. I was thinking to fit one on a model engine but I thick it would be very difficult to built. I have an idea how a diesel injector wirks with a plunger etc. Maybe the plunger and bore wuldnt be so difficult but the injector...
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    nemit ne 15cc sohc engine plans

    I have and built the engine and i say that the engine is great. As it was said i cant copy the prints and send them to you. But at the present i am building the same engine with all it original specs but insted of over head cam shaft i am building it with the valve train system. If you want i...
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    Buying a milling machien

    I am confused because one one side you have more features and on the other you have more height and table dimension. About the sieg, i like the head hand wheel position near the other hand wheel which is very handy insted on the column. Thanks Andrei
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    Buying a milling machien

    Hi, I was also viewing Warco milling machiens and I was impressed by the VM-18. At the present I own a mill combined with the lathe and has the same exact head as the VM-18. I have very lack of spindle to table height and...
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    Buying a milling machien

    Thanks guyes, i also believe you because i have alread bought some tools and they are very helpfull. As for the milling i compared some milling with the same dimensions but still the X3 seems to have more features. I also like the option of the long table the only two things taht it doesnt have...
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    Buying a milling machien

    Hi, I was going to buy the Super X3 milling machien from does anyone own one like it?? What do you guyes think any recomandations... Thanks drei
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    Bore to piston clerance

    Thanks Jason, I also notised that you leave the glow plug initer pluged while running just like me. Whwn in my case i remove it the engine slows and stops. I dont know whats your case but even the the guide book by Malcolm Stride the one incorporated with thye prints says that maybe the engine...