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  1. L

    One More; Morrison & Marvin Model Builders Vise

    Nice photos and build sequence!
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    Expanding Arbor Question

    I'd love to see the end design! Very informative thread and more resources. Once again, great forum!
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    Finished Vise Project

    Beautiful job Jack!
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    Expanding Arbor Question

    Hi there, I have made boxes of mandrels and your drawing looks wonderful but a lot of work for a one off part. It looks ideal for that much range however, .005 is enough IMHO to warrant the design you have come up with. On my vise build I have some photos of a low cost 5C expanding mandrel I...
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    Santa Run

    Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.
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    Santa Run

    My son is on a KC135 over the Pacific fueling the sleigh as we speak. Merry Christmas to all!
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    Nice table top mill

    For operator Cnc training I have my students simulate five axis machining by using a tilting and rotating 5C collet holder in the mill. In da biz this is called 3+2 or three Cnc axis and two manual. Most five axis work is not simultaneous and model engineers do it all the time. Does this little...
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    Finding materials

    Rick, you are right speedy has been better lately, thanks.
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    Finding materials

    Last week our scrapyard had 100,000 lbs of aluminum plate and literally tons of Ti , futures and tooling. All Boeing scrap and we couldn't have a pound of it. All has to be melted and destroyed. What a sad sight! I sometimes just pony up and use onlinemetals and get what I need.
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    The Birth of a Swan

    Thanks Maury . I had no one to help when I did my claw project and this would have been such a help. The end result went to 3M and was cast in a sintered s7. That also had about 17% shrink. I did make a couple lost wax molds for bronze tailpieces for weber mandolins. That is much more like...
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    # 2 Oiler Plans?

    Sure would like to see the oiler progress and the gade too. I hope to make that next and have been pouring over the plans. Good luck! Tom
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    The Birth of a Swan

    I'm sorry is the Urethane like dynacast? The repro is the rubber we used. This woke me up like a bad dream! The other thing that Maury is doing so well is getting a smooth urethane part in the end. Now what I recall from my amateur experience with the silcone and urethane was air bubbles . Maury...
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    The Birth of a Swan

    I think I get it. You make a master pattern then a rubber cast that you can put the polyeurethane in, the blue stuff. Is that repro30? I have been an injection mold maker for many years and only once had to do this many gyrations and that was to copy and make a four cavity s7 toolsteel mold of...
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    Still learning about myself - a funny story

    And bizzare as it seems my wife and I just today went round and round about our tacomas too dark window tint....on the one day a year she drove it. Sake had something to do with that to tell the truth.
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    Hello from Calgary

    15" and the skiing is awesome thanks for sharing and the kayaks are super cool!
  16. L

    Model Vise

    Any questions Please ask on my build thread. It was a rewarding and achievable "model". Good luck.
  17. L

    Wilton 3" Vise Project

    That is what got me excited about building one! Nice restoration and I am wondering if that back nut holder was pinned in place? Did you look up the history of the vise? Neat story. Good job!
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    The Birth of a Swan

    I am trying to follow along as you go but one question, in the air boxes what is the blue material? Does is coat the cavity for release? Is is applied then hand worked away? Thanks for sharing the photos! And are you modeling this in solid models as well?
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    Hello from Calgary

    Hi Dave, Welcome and warn us before you send the cold to Montana! Cool sculptures, photos and projects. Tom