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  1. comstock-friend

    Metals choice for up scaling strength

    Regarding strength, as the dimensions double, areas are going up by the square, volumes (and mass) by the cube. So forces due to mass are cubed, but the areas to resist stress are only squared. Still the design is probably hell for stout, seeing that the original was likely scaled down from full...
  2. comstock-friend

    DraftSight users: help needed

    I had same problem, years of AutoCad at work, used Draftsight at home. Hated Draftsight. Well, AutoDesk doesn't care about older versions of ACAD anymore so I have my old seat from work at home, loaded and 'registered' for free. Keep Draftsight for the occasional *.dwg saved in too new a format...
  3. comstock-friend

    Delayed Intro from John in SoCal

    Been lurking, but guess I haven't properly intro'd myself. Retired this year as V_P Engineering Delta Scientific Corp in Palmdale, CA. Been a Live Steamer since about 1975. Primary interest is steam locomotives of the 1870's (western). Also into aircraft and cars, but too many other projects to...
  4. comstock-friend

    Looking for Ron colonna offy plans

    Gabe DiMarino, check your PM's...
  5. comstock-friend

    Looking for Ron colonna offy plans

    I also have a surplus copy I bought in 2001. Yup, $35.95 plus media mail to USA. John